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Posts posted by Arthur_Dayne


    Well. I'm thinking aesthetically, Arthur. The Beret and whatever helmet they get should have the same armour values.


    I'm saying it'd be cool if you could choose to have a helmet. Whether you want to play as the classy advisor or the stoic soldier.


    helmets are ugly and stoopid

    berets 5 lyfe



    But seriously, I get where you're coming from here, and I think it sounds nice enough.



    I'm definitely for this, as well as a SWAT helmet being added to the blueshield on spawn/in his locker. I've always thought the formal outfit was bland and boring and it'd be nice to be able to choose between a swat helmet and a beret.


    I don't think the Blueshield needs a SWAT helmet, they're OP as is. Maybe just armour the beret, that sounds good.



    Spark . . . Hmm . . . A theme song . . .you posses energy, you possess a certain demeanour, but we are different, and I perhaps lack a more appropriate selection of musical knowledge. You posses energy, that would dictate something speedy, so, I am looking at certain types of electronic. I think I have selected a decent song more tempered for Kei.



    I believe this may fit.




    I got one for you though, don't worry.





    After looking around on the internets, I found the sprite that was made for Baystation's ERT. A few people in OOC thought that this sprite was appropriate for the Blueshield's uniform, as it is never officially stated that the Blueshield Corps is part of the NT Navy, as well as the fact that the current uniform looks more formal than combat ready. The proposed outfit following makes far more sense, as it reflects the nature of the Blueshield (It resembles more modern military getup, unlike a formal dress uniform.) as well as emphasizes that the Blueshield is ready to respond at all times, as is equipped for such responses.





    Of course, this is just an idea, and a rather poorly written one of my part. The DMI file should be accessible via Bay's github, and I can retrieve it if required.

    Again, poorly written, small idea.


    Inevitably, I'd just wear the old one to show the youngershields that I am an ~Officer~





    Condom Dusk tries to demote Thet for calling him a.....................................................................





    Thet responds in a logical and orderly fashion.


    Don't you love comdoms that demote over the most petty things?




    Chaki is bestvox

    Also, were you the one that almost died due to shitcurity while I was the warden? One of my own damned officers stunned and cuffed me for putting the nitrogen tank back on.

    It would suffice to say that they learnt their lesson after I got out of those cuffs.



    I am having far, far too much fun as an admin. I may even have to ban myself.






    When the revolutionaries started hammering down the NT Rep's door...




    Neil's faxes are 2ugly5me

    Also, revs don't often go after the rep, I'd like that to happen to me once in a while.



    Ah, I remember when Darius and Alice were on the same nukkie team.

    Too bad the rest of them were incompetent, we were pretty close to getting the disk after I killed the HoS and captain, but you know.

    Nukkies always manage to blow themselves up.



    Alright, these rounds follow two possible pathways.

    First; Aliens kill crew.

    Second; Aliens suck and get killed.

    It's exceptionally mundane, populated by disarm spam and admins forcing the shuttle to stay behind, effectively preventing the round from ending, despite most players wanting the shuttle to come.

    It rarely deviates from this schedule, and all in all, the rounds are long and boring for the normal crew, who tend to die, and stressful for security and command. More often than not I end up wasting two hours playing tug of war with an antag, that unless killed within a few minutes of round start, will result in a crushing defeat.

    There's also the fact that aliens are considerably overpowered, as the crew is picked off for simply lacking something to block their faces (Resulting in 50 xenos to the 20 remaining crew.) Weapons on the station lack enough punch to defeat the ever encroaching infestation, and once you get knocked down, you're staying down.

    It makes more sense to have xenos as a random event, or from huggers on the asteroid. This allows for a less powerful start of the xenomorphs, and the threat of syndicate agents or changelings on the station.


    Personally, I think I'm subject to bias due to the fact that these roundtypes tend to stress me out, and I simply dislike them. I'll let you decide.



    Depends on who's security, and perhaps if they had an effective Blueshield.


    To be honest, I rarely meet an admin's characters in game, but I've spent entire rounds running around to escape from Dave as the HoS. I would think that he poses a major threat, being robust as he is.


    However, I have played many rounds with Adr, and while on a few have been with Adam, I still know how he fights, if he actually does.


    I would think that this could go either way, who's the revs? Who's the security team? That's what this'll boil down to.



    For phase two, I'd like merch computers like the one we had in cargo be placed around the station, with more stuff to buy in them, clothes, tools, random bits and bobs, et cetera.


    Zomgponies - With the new system, most personal purchases of interesting stuff will be done through cargo.


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