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Posts posted by Arthur_Dayne


    The title says it all. I'm leaving due to a variety of reasons, and I'm sorry to say that. It's been fun, guys. Paradise has the best community and staff team someone could hope for, and I hope you all stay that way.


    Edit: Don't be too sad, I might come back soonish. Maybe. Implying you'll have me back.



    What's exactly wrong with having a more better version of an instant stun taser Security has? All the reasons you listed were regarding the lethality of the gun, which is clearly not it's main intention, since it's made to be a stun weapon first, and an unreliable lethal weapon second.


    Because you'll often have the less-than-lethal rounds causing serious problems. Broken bones, bleeding, it makes it lethal when non-lethality is required and not lethal enough when the exact opposite is needed.



    To be frank; The only usefulness this has is the instant stun, and causes far more collateral damage than is efficient, and to make the gun an effective killing tool, it takes roughly 15 shots with the less-than-lethal rounds to put someone into critical condition, while the high likelihood of destruction associated with .357 makes it nigh useless when loaded with these rounds. I propose we replace the Blueshield's revolver with an energy gun, which will allow for easier non-lethal takedowns and more efficient force when needed for lethal takedowns.


    That, or we could add in lethal .38 rounds that deal 20-25 brute damage, change the rubber rounds to not cause any damage, simply stun and pain.



    These are incredibly overpowered, most blobs occur later in the round, and if R&D knows what the hell they're doing, they'll have them by then. It doesn't matter how skilled or amazingly played the blob was, any schmuck with a single gun and a recharger can lolshoot the blob until 7-10 LIFTED BIOHAZARD DESTROYED YAAAY!

    It's annoying, and it's annoying as all hell. Something something, make it so it doesn't do something, blah blah.



    I voted event because as a gamemode I think this may be too similar to blob, but it looks awesome nonetheless.


    Blob is a fairly unpopular gamemode, and we could just replaced it with this, keeping blob as an event, like rev has been suggested to be replaced by shadowlings.


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