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Everything posted by honkertheclown

  1. Name: Daniel Bismuth Age: 28 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: O- General Occupational Role(s): -Warden -Security Officer -Security Pod Pilot Biography: Born on Mars, Daniel was a generally rowdy child with no parents, as they both died due to gang violence in his neighborhood at around the age of 2 and a half. He was raised by his older brother Matthew Bismuth, who was only 13 when their parents died, so it wasn't easy for either of them. Although Matthew did his best to keep Daniel away from the gangs, at age 14, Daniel joined the Red Hot Hunters and became a violent criminal. He ended up killing his own brother at age 19, and he ended up joining the Syndicate at age 20 when they were visiting his gang leader to pick up a drug shipment. He worked for the Syndicate in many nuclear operations until age 25, when one of the operations went terribly wrong and he was captured. He was kept in a Nanotrasen Prison Station until age 27, when he was finally given a loyalty implant after showing major improvements in his attitude towards Nanotrasen, and he was sent to the NCS Cyberiad at age 28 to work in the Security department, starting off as Warden, then moving up to Security Officer, and now, he has been in and out of the Security Pod Pilot job. Qualifications: -Hand-to-hand combat, basic ghetto levels of it -Weapons Expertise, basic ghetto levels and Nanotrasen Security team levels -Space Law, Expert Employment Records: -Warden -Security Officer -Security Pod Pilot Security Records: -Served 2 years on a Nanotrasen Prison Station for terrorist organization collaboration Medical Records: -Mechanical left foot, lost it in the fateful nuclear operation at age 25 -Tobacco addiction Personnel Photo (Appearance text): He has gelled back spiky black hair, a tall and slender build, and commonly has some type of Russian hat on. He is also a common smoker, so don't be surprised to see a cigarette in his mouth. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: I haven't actually played as this character yet, my account is kinda banned on Paradise from a long time ago, but my appeal is being looked over, and I hope to have this character be my common character for if I ever get back on.
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