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  1. 1 Strategic launch targeted at Sirryan's computer
  2. c*der bus leak
  3. 2 double takes because WHEN DID YOU BECOME A COMMUNITY MANAGER!
  4. Eleven hundred hours of my life. No regerts.
  5. I guess were just ignoring woje's fuck up... And I can't come up with anything clever for fourteen.
  6. All the green eggs and ham got ate-ten so none for me. How sad.
  7. On topic C I see where people are coming from, no one should willy nilly be like "Huh yea, you know, fuck my freedom and all, make me a tin can please." (although insane characters are allowed but you aren't allowed to use them as a excuse to break rules) but theres also of course the balance implications, especially when we have a thread where Necaladun gave the all clear for borgs to valid hunt. It's understandable that some players really just want to play borg and enjoy it, but those players number few and if they really want to they can still just cryo and spawn as a posi brain. I don't think we should allow IC borgings. Maybe to make up for it however we change the implant SOP to be that robotics is the first place you go for implants, as well as giving the RD more control over allowing what types of implants (Even though they can already veto basically anything they want, unless ordered by the captain). Maybe make it so implants, like borgings currently, require a written forum signed by the Robo, The person who wants the implant(s), and the RD/Acting RD/Captain in that order if the former is un-available. But have combat implants and the like require HoS approval (as they currently do)
  8. Never forget chikis alcohol addiction
  9. Holy six you guys eat alot
  10. I'm sure someone has more/better screen shots but hey, tesla turtle by the mad lads @Charliminator and Sizzle (not sure what his forum user is)
  11. Theres actually one in the bar and another in the arcade, and both can be un-wrenched and moved. I still entirely agree with what's said here however, as its just chess and then card games that are honestly quite hard to play. Also on another note, ish, a fun project you can do is setup a giant chess board using statues. Assistants (sand) for pawns Captain and HoS for king and queen (HoS is obv the queen, especially if someone like bublegum CE For knights Borgs for rooks RD's for bishops And then you can just use a labeler for the sides, or colorium if you've got time. Could also use science statues versus engi statues, like the nuke statue and tesla statues to pit departments against each other, lots of fun to be had!
  12. 1 more person to add to my shit love and peace list <3 ;)
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