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  1. Good afternoon guys! It is I! Writer/player of Sovereign, the AI hivemind. Now, the muse has touched me tonight and I fancy writing. So I decided to make a Kidan character I'll probably never play because a) 28 karma is a lot and I'm lazy b) You guys are stingy with karma lol. Anyways. Name: Kadir Zhao-Mahmud Age: 42 Gender: Male Race: Kidan Blood Type: AB Negative General Occupational Role(s): Most common: Security ERT Xenobiologist Captain Head of Security Quarter master Biography: The Kida have long thirst for the minerals of the earth and few planets housed such a bounty as Exitium IIIV, known to the Kida as Mahmud II. The surface is near uninhabitable, slimes cover the 90% of the planet. The remaining 10 % harsh mountains; under the surface however, Is a world rich with both danger and riches. Vast underground caverns fill with water, forming underground lakes. Gigantic tunnels, formed by ancient creatures believed to be long dead, snake around the planet. Platinum, gold, silver, tungsten... All are found in abundance. The Kida first discovered this planet long over 100 years ago, early scans revealed the gigantic wealth of this planet and soon a project was formed to begin mining operations. Landing on the surface posed many risks, settling it seemed impossible. All hope seemed lost until one brave Kida, Rahim Mahmud, funded the expedition. Him and his project managers eventually formed a plan; land on the mountain and drill downwards, building settlements underground. Within 5 years the first stage was complete, small settlements connected by Kida tunnels ferried food and supplies back and forth, riches were delivered to the surface via the small settlement Bastion, the sole connection between the upside world and the "Under-land". Real progess was made into colonization around 22 years into the expedition. A large cave was found, capable of housing thousands of Kida, small pieces of flint trapped in the roof gave the illusion of stars. Water flowed without flooding, allowing food to grow. Pathways were made and the first real city was born, Zea, the city of stars. It was only after the first buildings were erected that anybody even noticed the huge tunnel, ten times any tunnel built by the Kida. The tunnels led to other caverns, seven in total. 55 years after the expedition began the Kidan population was booming. The 7 cities each had hundreds of paths, leading to thousands of mining sites. Zea, Zuna, Flin, Xer, Karn, Kevarg and Vilas, the jewels of Mahmud's little kingdom. Everything changed 61 years after initial landing. around 55 years before today. No one truly knows where it began, although most theories state Xer or Kervarg. A mining settlement went dark, hundreds of Kidan miners gone. The soldiers dispatched to investigate only ever sent one message... "close the tunnels". The message was too little too late, the attacks began the same day. Within a month both Xer and Kerverg were overrun. The military only truly understood their enemy after this initial month, when the shock had settled. An aquatic adaption of the beings named "xenomorphs". Years of evolution had allowed them to reproduce using the large fish in the deeper caves of the planet. By the time a response had formed, Karn had fallen as well. Desperate and outnumbered, the Kida detonated explosives in the tunnels, closing the routes between Kervarg, Karn and Xer; dooming the population that may have survived within. 5 Years later Rahim Mahmud died, many say from the stress of the campaign of survival. The destruction of the tunnels only slowed the advanced of the aquamorphs (as they have come to be known). Every mining site posed a potential attack, the four remaining cities were under a constant state of war against the underground threat; that was until Flin fell 9 years after the initial attack. Kadir Zhao-Mahmud was born 42 years ago in the city of Zea. A cousin of a direct descendent of the founder himself. Of no real relevance himself, Kadir was born to soldiering parents, Nara Zhao and Viscerith Mahmud. Living in the depths of the city, he never truly experienced the threat of aquamorphs until his parents deaths when he was nine. Left without a family, he found companionship among the urchins of the city and quickly found work as a courier, passing messages between the remaining cities. At 22, Kadir found himself on an expedition to the surface, a "mad" scientist had supposedly found a way to fight the advances of the horde. Kida forces were spread thin and the cities suffered increasing damage. The current nobles fought eachover almost as much as the aquamorphs; the people were desperate enough to fund his project, although no one truly knew his work. Despite the destruction underneath, the land above remained much the same, the small colony above had been abandoned after the initial attack caused the Kida government to stop trade, the surface offered no real benefits. The buildings were still in good condition though, although several slimes had to be removed. It was here that Kadir learned the science of Xenobiology, assisting the scientist with the dissection and experimentation of the slimes. After a year and a half of work, a breakthrough was made; the creation of adamantium golums. This discovery remained secret until the deployment of the golums at the battle of Zuna, Kadir arrived bearing 50 or more golums, destroying the aquamorph horde under the steady march of the golum army. Kadir was quickly hailed as a hero, and the golum became the symbol of hope for the Under-cities. After winning several more battles against the aquamorphs, Kadir had found himself accepted amongst the warrior castes of the Kida. He had gone from a street urchin to a warrior, a near impossible leap within Kida customs. Two years of fighting and the cities had united under the banner of the newly formed military council, with Kadir as a central member. Three more years of war climaxed in the recapturing of Flin. The victory was short lived however, the plasma central to making golums was running low and the mines around Flin were all but destroyed. The military council remained sure that the city could be held, their armies fortified the city and awaited the enemy; certain of a victory. They were unprepared for what they received, aquamorph forces larger then seen in the initial attack overwhelmed Kida forces. After several hours of fighting, the attack was repulsed although the victory was pyrrhic at best. As the aquamorphs closed for a second attack, it was decided that the city had too little strategic value, all that could be carried was scavenged and a small force was left behind to slow the advance of the enemy. For the first time in years, the Kida had lost, faith in the military council was shaken and aquamorph attacks tripled. Treaties between the cities fell apart and chaos ruled. In a previously unseen move, the aquamorph forces tunnelled through the great walls and struck Zuna, splitting the remaining cities in two. Kadir led the defence of Zea, or what remained of it. A third of the city lay in ruin and the remaining parts barely remained. He had lost contact with Vilas after the attack on Zuna and since the attacks had escalated even further. Zea was in a state of constant siege. Unknown to the public, the last plasma mine had been captured and stocks ran low, within a month they would lose the ability to create to golums. Fearing complete annihilation, Kadir and the remaining members of Zea sent distress signals into space, praying that someone would hear their cries. By his 32nd birthday, a scarred Kadir had fled to the small colony on the mountain, destroying the tunnels that led to the world of death underneath. Eventually the message send over a year ago was heard by a small Kida trading ship, who's captain risked life and profit to rescue the survivors on top of the mountain. Using what precious gems and metals he had salvaged, Kadir build a life for himself in the wide depths of space. He found work with numerous companies including Nanotransen, although commemorated on his home planet, he never forgave the nobles for their abandonment of Mahmud II, although he was not alive at the time. Once a year, he and several of the colonists that remained in touch remember the colony, although none live that remember it in its true glory. It still remains the unwritten rule amongst the survivors that Vilas is not mentioned. Although Kadir sometimes wonders how long they survived. Perhaps they still do, perhaps they were wiped out after Zera. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): There is a scarred Kidan. Deep cuts run all across his body, areas of his shell are cracked. His eyes are heavy with pain, from both the movement of his ruined body and the emotional grief of his loss. He has lived a hard life, harder than most will ever experience. Only after posting this have I realised it's length.
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