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Race Gameplay Mechanic Tweak suggestions


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Basically, Minor buffs and nerfs to each race besides Humans since Humans are the base we're building off of. Note: Most race mechanics are coming from the wiki so if they are outdated I'm sorry. Also everything written is what I think the race SHOULD have, which is MOST of what they already have.


Pros: Have claws, minor cold resistance, far better vision in the dark

Cons: minor heat damage penalty, Vulnerable to bright lights: Flashes last longer and welding damage is higher, get called  a variety of animal based names IC and OOC if you play them.


Pros: Heat resistance, claws

Cons: Cold damage penalty, it should take longer for unathi to heat back up from being cold


There should PROBABLY be a change, but I can't think of any. they aren't broken at least.

Slime people:

Pros: Don't breath, have water for blood (which is useful regarding vampires), have no internal organs besides their brain, can regrow lost limbs, minor heat resistance, Vent crawl when naked

Cons: Large cold damage penalty, cannot be cloned, vulnerable to electric shock (being made of water and all)


Pros: highly resistant to the void of space (thus no longer complete immunity), claws, high cold resistance, 

cons: cannot be cloned, breath nitrogen and die from O2, speakings like this yaya (arguable con?), minor heat damage penalty (fried chicken, anyone?)


No change.


Pros: Punch harder then other races, have no blood, are immune to the void of space, Healed by radiation, feel no pain, heal in the light

cons: move extremely slow, require light to survive, high heat damage penalty, die from plant b gone, higher chance to mutate then other species.

Machine People:

Pros: immune to pain, immune to toxin damage, do not breath, welding safe eyes, are healed via welders and cable, minor resistance to brute and burn damage (you ever punch metal?)

cons: EMPs are an extreme danger that most of the time will insta-kill an IPC, limbs are far easier to detach compared to other species, lower overall health pool before death (about 150 where others are at about 200)

Pros: claws, immune to radiation (in reference to cockroaches surviving nukes)

cons: can't wear glasses, take toxin damage when exposed to pesticides (not insta kill like diona and plant b gone but a fair bit of toxin damage.)


No change.


Pros: Claws, minor cold resistance, better hearing (can hear stuff from further away, foot steps from others in maint is louder, etc.)

Cons: Heat damage penalty, hunger penalty (needing to eat more, in reference to dogs that eat non stop), vulnerable to noise (flashbangs, vampire screech, etc.), get called  a variety of animal based names IC and OOC if you play them.


No change.


Exact numbers and such can be argued forever. I just wanted to share my general ideas for change. Especially with vulps and tajaran, who seem like just better humans at the cost of being called a catbeast/ dogbeast. I hope to hear your guy's thoughts on my ideas and #MakeParadiseGreatAgain





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