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Hi all,

Returning to SS13, pretty new to Paradise, and enjoying a place where station objectives actually happen once in a while.  I bounce around pretty much everywhere except Security, because I'm just not robust enough.  Lately I've been mostly playing Supply and Engineering, had a great shift as CE last night.

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Welcome to Paradise, run while you still can.

Supply and engineering are fantastic departments to get started with, but I have to disagree with staying away from security just because you're not robust. I'm not saying that security is a good department for a newcomer to learn the server with, though. But just as long as you ask people in security questions when you're unsure if what you're doing is right, you'll be fine. If you're willing to learn, you can become a robust officer.

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Thanks!  I've actually played a lot of SS13 on other servers, mainly Yog and /tg/, so I'm not a total newbie- just need to get up to speed on how things are done here.  You should have seen me on /tg/station the first time I had to work a SM engine.  That didn't end well...  My next stop will probably be Medbay- I enjoy playing there but need to get up to speed on Paradise's medical mechanics first.  They're slightly more complex than I've played before.

My problem with robustness is more that my reflexes are slow and my connection occasionally spotty, so I pretty much always lose when it comes to any kind of combat.  I figure I'd better learn to win at least some of the time before I start playing sec.  Maybe I should stop by the next cage match...

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