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Reopen "Who's allowed to talk in admin complaints"

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Posted (edited)

I'm not going to follow the rubric, the above-named thread was closed by Regens without at all answering the concerns I raised within.

Edited by alexpkeaton
Major edit due to forgetting some issues were in fact addressed.

I request a head of staff other than Regen handle this complaint, which has now escalated due to a forum warning sent to me, for "Spamming" (not sure how one post in an admin complaint and a second post creating a new complaint to resolve unanswered questions is spamming.Screenshot_20170807-214904.thumb.png.7bd872fe81733947fe417c34bee4cac2.png

Regen's forum warning to me is ridiculous.  I participated in that complaint just as any person who saw an admin incident happen on the station would participate in such an admin complaint.  @ZN23X was quite clear that the issue was an admin complaint, despite Regen's warning to me saying it wasn't.  Because the issue at hand is related to the forum, that makes Regens' actions especially worrisome.  Am I being threatened to withhold my opinion about how I feel admin complaints should be handled?  Will I be banned for posting this message?  And ZN23X's issues brought up in the middle of the thread were never responded to.  I have noticed a disparity in how admin complaints are handled and a mishandling of people (posts removed) who support admins while those who post against the admins are allowed to stand (sometimes to be used as straw men).  I requested the thread be reopened so an admin may respond to both ZN23X's issues as well as mine made in the original post.

Issuing me a warning for this request is disappointing, to say the least.



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As per my post on the thread:



In general, people shouldn't be posting on it at all. 99% of admin complaints require only the person posting and an admin replying.

What we really want to avoid is people pitching in with their thoughts, feelings, opinions, etc. If everyone who has one of those posts, it'll be a clusterfuck in no time at all. If we want to collect peoples opinions or feelings about something, we'll do so. The forum there is for an investigation into an incident, not gauging how people feel about it.

If you have some  evidence, however, such as logs, showing something new or something contrary to what another has said, then we'll need input. It's generally best to contact one of the admins dealing with it however, as they will general have a lot more knowledge to know how relevant it is (like, the actual logs), etc. 

Tl;dr - commenting on admin complaints should be an anomaly because you happened to be directly involved, not a peanut gallery



The original post was not an admin complaint, discussing processes the admins have in general is not suited for the admin complaints forum. 

The warning is a 0 point warning. No penalty. "Stop spamming" it's the equivalent of. 

This is because there is no need to post another thread, that is also not an admin complaint, asking for the one that was closed to be opened. 

If you'd like to discuss our policies or how we go about things, feel free to post that elsewhere. If you'd like to make a complaint about an admins behavior or attitude, that's what the admin complaints forum is for, NOT to ask people to re-open threads.


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