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See my complaint below!


Admin Key: Regens


Complaint: Date: 22/05/2014. Not long ago, I was playing a round of SS13 on Paradise Station. Whilst there, I noticed what appeared to be a new animal, it looked Vox like in nature, and what I later discovered it was an "Aramlis", what I believe is a Hivemind Creature for Vox.


Anyway, I and this "Aramlis" had tensions between us, he stole one of my items, I insulted him whilst drunk. Later, I passed this creature, Captain Chichiah and Ty'ler Hafiz. I then ask the Captain to arrest the "Aramlis" for stealing my toy, upon which the Captain throws me. I then made an insult under my breath and moved on.


Walking down to the HOP, I get this message:


Scrub Admin PM from-Regens: Lol


This was followed shortly by:


Yatachichataka leaps at Oscar Lafotune!

Yatachichataka seizes Oscar Lafotune aggressively!

Yatachichataka rips viciously at Oscar Lafotune's body with its claws!


Now, due to earlier station actions with some hot air, I was on low health, but this brutal assault made me go down into a critical condition. As a result I started stuttering and required a cryo, fellow engineers had to save me.


"Your chest hurts badly."

"The pain is excrutiating!".

"You feel like you could die any moment now."


After, Eric had put me in cryo and taken me out, I got another message.


"Scrub Admin PM from-Regens: You didn't go into crit", despite the fact I did go in crit, as logs provide.


I then asked Regens why the Captain had not arrest this "Aramlis" for severe assault/nearly murder, upon which, I got another reply!


"Scrub Admin PM from-Regens: HoS and Captains aren't always the best". The captain of this shift was "ChiChitah", a person who I regularly fill the roles of Captain, so I am sure that they know what they are doing, so Regens is striking a poor defense of a poor player.


I then asked why the Captain had once again not seeked punishment against the "Aramlis", upon which Regens came out with the statement:


"Scrub Admin PM from-Regens: Because Armalis goes above implant :P

Scrub Admin PM from-Regens: Armalis is basically hiveminds"


Which I believe was purely fictional and made up on the spot to appease me.


Regens then further defends the Captain, stating that the hivemind stops the loyalty implant?!?!?!?


"Scrub Admin PM from-Regens: Well Armalis was just something I tested right now, bugfixing and whatnot. Basically it says nowhere in the lore if Implant > Armalis or vice versa" - despite the fact that I looked on the Wikipedia for loyalty implants and found that "Those with loyalty implants are unable to act against NT's wishes". I quoted this to Regens, and he threw it to the side, trying to make an exception for his murderous character.


I feel this was totally ficticious to save his own skin.


Since I had his attention, I decided to cover another point, Heather Winceworth and her meteor gun.

If you do not know, during a round last week, Regens played as Heather, spawned a meteor gun and began shooting the shit out of everyone. No Abuse there, I Swear!


Asking him, I was originally told that,


"Scrub Admin PM from-Regens: Actually it doesn't concern you", despite the fact that I was involved in the round and died like so many others who intended to have a good time.


I raised the point that it was my concern because I was apart of the round, he replied with


"Scrub Admin PM from-Regens: OH NOES". This statement made me feel that he didn't really care about his actions, or even care to answer genuine questions. Almost as if he felt he was invincible.


I asked him I just wanted an explanation for the round, upon which he told me that,


"Scrub Admin PM from-Regens: Dude get it right, I dont have to explain it to you, I wanted to blow off some steam and make a "crazy round"". This makes it worse, as now more so, it appeared to me that Regens believed that since HE wanted to have fun that he could ruin the round for many players. This I feel was blatant admin abuse, as he spawned a gun, killed most of the people and believed he could get away with it, because he could "blow off some steam".


Regens then later tried to strike a defense, making it appear that since he admins for free, that he is entitled to kill us all. "we admins do this for free, we manage this server in our own spare time for everyone to enjoy, and we take nothing for it". I never argued that any admin had done a bad job, you do good work, but he seems to try and use the point as a defense so he can abuse.




I feel that Regens has crossed the line.



He has: broken a basic rule "Avoid antagonizing as non-antagonist No bashing in heads, unless you're an antagonist role or it's self-defense. Try to avoid creating situations in which you're performing other massive crimes and generally acting as an antagonist would, again unless you're an antagonist or under extreme circumstances."


As well as this, he I believe has abused his power for his own entertainment, which drags the server down. If he wants to grief and kill everyone, go to Grief Station I say. Paradise is what it is, because of what our admins have made, and Regens only ruins that image by Griefing on a mass level, making my character go into critical, and not punishing himself (Aramlis) or enforcing that the Captain take action. As well as this, he hides behind the image because he is an "Admin" that he can get away with it.


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I'd rather just ban you, for including half a story to put me in a worse spot, but whatever.


The meteor round was after a long 80 player round of where I was the only admin, Adr came on later I believe.


We decided to do meteors for lulz, as well as spam the "Meteor strike" button on the "random events" panel.

As the round seems to come to an end, I get inn there with even more meteors planned, introducing the meteor gun.


The round lasted about 10-15 minutes, and I got more "Holy shit that was awesome" and "Oh god what is that gun and where can I get it" than I got "oh my god you just wasted all my time and totally ruined the whole experience for me"


And when it comes to the grounds of the complaint, what happened was that I wanted to test the Armalis ( I was bugfixing in the background) and I wanted to see if anyone on the crewlist actually knew what it was, mostly I got "oh god what is that" but Pancake actually knew the vox lore (props to him)

At that point you started to just generally stirr stuff up, so I lunged and tried out the gut, keep in mind that you were in full clown hardsuit and I checked your variables shortly after so see if you were damaged (thus my question "Are you machine people / Where did the burn damage come from") and I was about to rejuvernate you for any damage it caused, but seeing as you had 0 brute I though that maybe your armor stopped everything, and gut needed revision or something.


Then you started to stirr shit up with RP and how Pancake was failing with the implant n stuff.

I responded that this is a special occurrence, its Armalis is basically a big deal with vox, and I couldn't be arsed with all your "BUT HE HAS AN IMPLANT" when I was just fooling around anyways, and it didn't really have any effect other than you getting scared away (from my perspective you still didn't take any damage from the gut verb)


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I was just fooling around anyways, and it didn't really have any effect other than you getting scared away (from my perspective you still didn't take any damage from the gut verb)


Many people, myself included have been banned before for attacking people when we should not. We have all used the "fooling around" point and we all still got banned. You should not be an exception to this. As well as this, I did go into a critical state, I had to be put into a cryotube. You attacked me, I gained brute damage and went into critical.


As well as this, a loyalty implanted individual must always seek the best for NT, So therefore they must uphold space law.


You put me in a critical condition, which was over the top, and puts many people to bans, you should not be let go.



As well as this, please do not ban me for making a complaint, as you openly threatened, as I can only write a half story from my perspective. It is no wonder no one complained about your meteor round, they are sacred you will ban them, as you just openly threatened me.


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I was just fooling around anyways, and it didn't really have any effect other than you getting scared away (from my perspective you still didn't take any damage from the gut verb)


Many people, myself included have been banned before for attacking people when we should not. We have all used the "fooling around" point and we all still got banned. You should not be an exception to this. As well as this, I did go into a critical state, I had to be put into a cryotube. You attacked me, I gained brute damage and went into critical.


As well as this, a loyalty implanted individual must always seek the best for NT, So therefore they must uphold space law.


You put me in a critical condition, which was over the top, and puts many people to bans, you should not be let go.



As well as this, please do not ban me for making a complaint, as you openly threatened, as I can only write a half story from my perspective. It is no wonder no one complained about your meteor round, they are sacred you will ban them, as you just openly threatened me.



Jup, because twisting what happened to make someone look worse surely wont piss them off.


As in "fooling around" I wanted to see the effects on armor as well, you were openly throwing a fit against the other voxes, I guess you didn't know what the Armalis was or something, but I was planning to rejuv you right after, but AGAIN from my perspective it didn't look like you took any damage, So please just stop with the "you put me in crit" bullshit.


As for the lojality implant, I already explained this to you, I won't waste my time doing it again.



I guess people want it open


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Maybe Mustard was taking it too seriously but I think you should have said something like "I'm bug testing stuff, I will correct any damage I do later." instead of just "lol" and then a random vicious attack. Some people enjoy admins going crazy because reviving/healing is always possible then, but others do get bothered with those actions. I think to prevent insastifaction from more serious players, an explanation of what you are doing would actually calm them down. I apologize if you did communicate with him and he just didn't listen.

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Want to drop the complaint now I that this whole Armalis this has weird powers is backed up.


Suggest update lore to contain Armalis to avoid future confusion.


Sorry for trouble I caused, whole scene seemed skeptical since I couldn't find anything anywhere.






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