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(I  would like to preface this by saying that I have not used this forum before now.  If I have posted this in the wrong location or have otherwise gone against what is expected for a post like this, I apologize.)  

Admin Key: MarsMond.  

Your Discord name (if applicable): N/A

Complaint:  I've been playing a character, a simple-minded assistant, for about a week or so now.  I haven't received any complaints, player or admin, pertaining to their character or name until now.  Their name is 'Blackdog'.  I know that is not a conventional name, and I understand fully why MarsMond would insist I change it, but I would like to justify it for a moment.  My character has that name because of their backstory and personality.  They are not mentally competent, and due to an incident in their past has no knowledge of their previous name.  I did not just choose this name at random or settled for it instead of a better one.  I have written a significant backstory for this character and they do have a name, but it is lost to them.  In RP scenarios where that name is questioned, I have explained it IC and have gotten positive remarks from other players regarding my reasoning.  I have seen far more 'improper' names about without an attempt at IC justification, and I am unsure why, after I attempted to explain it, the decision still stood.  I did not see the name Blackdog as an official name  more of a pseudonym used in the absence of a proper designation.                  

If I'm mistaken, please tell me, and I will change it, but I would like to know if a name can be allowed if it recognized IC by the character as unconventional and is explained through a characters actions and personality in-game.    

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Hello there,

Discussing this with other administrators, the conclusion is that while this would make somewhat sense as a nickname, it doesn't work as a "proper" name. We push for a forename and a surname (first and last) on most species, if you are looking for some sort of idea. That said, should you still wish to incorporate it into your name still, you can do it in the form of a nickname, that being Forename "Blackdog" Surname. However, a side effect of this is most people will just go with the forename.

Feel free to keep the amnesia backstory, but you may want to progress it a little further to explain the addition of a name.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please reply. I will keep this open an additional three days until I mark it as resolved.

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