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Pneumatic cannon mods


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The pneumatic cannon is an interesting weapon. While its execute function doesn't work (cause the objects fired out of cannons can't hit resting targets), you can abuse certain aspects of its functionality to make it into a arbiter of death that only a deathsquid can resist.


What if, however, you could mod it to be more?




1. Use lighter and timer together, use on a manipulator, use the assembly on a pneumatic cannon and secure it.


You could make the new pneumatic cannon activate certain things when shot out of it:

Lighting cigarettes a second or two after they're shot, you can combine with cryostasis beaker hax to fill them with chemicals.



1 unit sugar, 1 unit phosphorus, 1 unit potassium, 1 unit pacid, 11 units condensed capsaicin = Ghetto crowd control grenade


Also, you could have it activate grenade assemblies shot out of it. Make a large emp assembly with uranium liquid n' shoot it at deathsquid seraphs.



2. Some way to hack the cannon to be leaky. It would make it so the maximum valve would be like, 25% or something but when you fired it, it would also shoot out some atmosphere. That way you could use N2O for giggles, or flamethrower mix to make a glass shard/flame thrower combo gun.

Also ability to dry fire it in this hacked mode.

Bonus points if you can use it as a propellant in space or buckled to office chairs.



3. Combining the pneumatic cannon with something like an experimental bluespace belt or maybe a combination of other R&D creations. The result? A vortex-ring gun.

Can't launch objects anymore, but launches vortex rings instead. Experiment with all sorts of gas combinations to see their different effects!


4. Add a pneumatic cannon or vortex gun or whatever to a turret frame, go through some assembly involving proximity sensors and security hud or security hud glasses, put it ontop of a connector port, and then hook a pipe up to it on the ground. Run the pipe over to another connector port, hook up a canister, bam pneumatic turret cannon. Drag yourself onto it to use it as a mounted turret, or just let it automatically find targets. Load it up with random junk you find, maybe even jury rig an extended magazine box for it.

Bonus points if you can combine it with the janicart or some other kind of canister and some mobility parts to make it into a hybrid cart/gun turret that you can refill by wrenching while it's over a connector port with gas in it.


5. Modding the cannon with a second manual valve to give it a slot for another reserve tank you can switch over to. This can give you a quick second lethal shot if you're using normal full big cans, or an extra set of two or three lethal shots if you're using overpressured toxins mixing hax. I guess maybe you could also set it to use air from both equally, but you'll easily hit the speed cap.



Any other ideas/modifications you can think of?


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