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Marcelluspye - All sec job temp ban

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Posted (edited)

His byond key: Marcelluspye


This is my ban reason I told him I was posting this and was not rude about it. I also when I got this job ban out of honor for his decision resigned from my job that same round though he said I didn't have to.

I did not insist they were incorrect I said maybe they were incorrect? I only stated this one time as well because 4 people were arrested that involved me and I processed 3 of them and gave out there charges. in total there were 5-7 people arrested it was pretty chaotic. I did not know which prisoner he was talking about;. First he lectured me on the bartender in Cell 1 then after he reaiized I was right then began to question about the one in cell 5.

His accusations were also a bit shifty you might want to check the logs but I believe he said the last log I had on an arrest was cell 5 but my last one was cell 1.

If he checked the logs thoroughly he would have known that I did not arrest an IAA agent it was a station engineer. So he might of missed a lot of logs that caused this judgement. 

Check the logs on this too I NEVER shifted the blame on others. I simply stated that I was the one that cuffed him and processed him he was already tazed by another officer but someone jumped in to defend him so I had to cuff him while he took care of the other. This was the bartender in cell 1 of course which he didn't penalize me but questioned me on and I assume I was right on it.

Another statement I made that might of lead to this conclusion is that I said there was a lot of arrests made by me and other officers at the bar it was a borderline riot so I said it was a mess can't remember everything. Also I do not blame him for misreading logs or not reading all of it there must of been a ton of damage logs.

Him saying it was John Lazar



John Lazar's manifest showing him as a station engineer.



Last but not least if you check the logs that I did not care to screenshot he said it was about my decisions as HoS. If this were the case then I should just be job banned from HoS? (Up to you guys) I cannot prove myself to be a good officer let alone a good HoS if I cannot join anything in security. Including brig physician. Was job-banned from that though I can't play it anyways I never spend my karma points.

Basically I'm not mad it's just I like to play the game as security doesn't matter if he get's penalized or not.

I even told him the decision was up to him I would accept whatever out of respect for him.

He did apologize for the mistake and I did tell him that I made a mistake so we both made mistakes.

I never intentionally break the rules it's usually by accident.

The ban was a result of (according to him) my actions as HoS. Though that was one out of maybe two times I got boinked in around 8 hours of playing. (Check logs to verify).

So I don't get why I was job banned from all of them including brig physician, I play a bit heartless but not like a complete dick and it might be a turnoff for other people but I don't intentionally break the rules to roleplay this way.


His apology:


Compliment I got after resigning.



Anyways this is a duo unjobban request and an admin complaint but I could care less what happens about the admin complaint I just want to play the game.

Mistakes happen and we both made mistakes the difference is I was penalized for my mistakes and I was polite and told him that any decision he makes is fine.

I would also be okay with being job-banned from HoS and appealing for an unban from that position after a week (The time he said after I asked when I should post an unban request)

So I think we may be able to compromise for both wrongs done. I would rather be unbanned from sec in general. But if a compromise is needed to satisfy both sides somewhat. A job-ban from HoS and an unban from everything else? Maybe post an unban request in a week as it would be his wish for me to be job-banned that long?


Anyways I'll make an unban request as well and just link to this thread. Thank you for reading this and no hard feelings to you Marcel I told you I was posting this not as a threat but to give you a chance to start defending yourself when it's posted.


Edited by Buford
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Just a reminder that Admin Complaints are for the person making the complaint, the admin in question, and the admin handling the complaint.

Please refrain from sharing your own opinions if you were not directly involved with the situation. 

Posted (edited)

Right, we have the complaint and that situation sorted. 

Please wait for us to review this, thanks for taking your time.

Edited by Vargh
Posted (edited)

Well I have been permabanned with the option to appeal in a month. Was a legit one though I made a joke on discord about an animal validhunting through voice. It slipped out didn't know admin things were metagame but yea I'll appeal in a month. Hopefully that would be enough time to get unbanned from security as well was doctor at the time.

Edit: I'm going to take my chance at an appeal.

Edited by Buford
  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to apologize, @Buford ,for the long wait, but I've looked into the situation and had a chat with Marcellus. He's been informed more about judging things with a little more respect to context and handling things with the idea that players don't always have the logs admins do, and thus, lack some context to situations they even might be in directly where we have a log of everything that went down exactly as it happened. More or less, a talk about putting himself in the shoes of the player he's PMing and judging the atmosphere based around the context of the situation itself. As for the ban itself, it seems to have been reasonably justified as a bit of a 'weekban pending appeal' situation by how things went down over PMs, as it was only really something minor. Hopefully this resolves things nicely, and I'll be leaving the complaint open for feedback and concerns for the next 24 hour period.

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