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Admin Complaint: Streaky Haddock

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Guest testeron2
Posted (edited)


Admin Key: Streaky Haddock


Earlier today HoS wrongfully exiled me for stealing a EVA suit from the EVA room and so I contacted an admin. The admin (Streaky Haddock) however started to question me about why I was breaking into there and told me I wasn't allowed to that. Which I found very strange because I think I have yet to finish a shift without any civilian/clown doing that at some point. He also told me to go read the rules and added a note to my record "suggesting much less leniency from now on" , which really annoyed me.

Im not pretending that I wasn't greytiding and breaking into places. But my conception was always that things like stealing an EVA suit would be dealt in character. 


Edited by testeron2
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First off, I would like to note that the Head of Security in question was, in fact, addressed, and the situation handled accordingly; as you noted, you can't exile someone for stealing an EVA suit from EVA.

Additionally, after talking with Streaky, they've agreed that the way they passed the information along was perhaps a bit harsher than it could've been; even considering your previous notes, the situation could've been handled with a bit more tact than it was initially.

However, I should also point out that the tail end of the conversation had you calling Streaky Haddock by a rather choice insult that I shan't repeat here. While Streaky freely admits he could've handled the conversation better, the way you responded to it was less than civil, and I would very much recommend that you tone down that sort of attitude in the future.

If you wish to bring anything else to light, please do so.

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