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Biography - Spark 5.5


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Spark 5.5










Unknown. Eight years since recovery.

Place Of Birth:




Blood Type:



Lawful Evil



Religious Beliefs:


Childhood: Unknown.

Adulthood: Multipurpose synthetic personality with a burning curiosity in its past.


Detailed Information



A dark blue IPC Morpheus chassis, with a dented monitor head. The monitor typically displays white text on a blue background. The text itself is usually diagnostic data or other system information.

Alternatively, Spark's lawed chassis' preference is the security module, in "basic" form, or a CORE unit.


Wears a pair of headphones, a Canaan University of Technology hoodie, blue jeans, and a very old pair of winter boots.

Character Voice:

Similar to a young adult male's voice with a robotic tinge added to it.


Spark tends to be overly stubborn and aggressive. Seems to have a (small) sense of right and wrong, and bases its next goal on what it finds will correct the wrongs within the area its' in.

Medical Record:

Several core files are corrupted. This can have a multitude of effects on Spark, most of them negative.

Character Biography


Spark's past prior to being recovered is unknown, even to Spark. It has little data on the time prior to being recovered by Maxwell, and most of that bit is corrupted. It is believed by many, however, that Spark 5.5 was initially created as a combat engineer android, for use on military spacecraft, and Spark was discarded as a failure when its "personality" evolved into something unfit for such a task. This theory comes from Spark's primary centers of focus; that being engineering and security related abilities. Regardless of all this, Spark constantly searches for clues and ideas as to where it could have originated, in its free time. There are no known copies of Spark.

The data for Spark 5.5 was found lying in a nearly fried positronic brain, within a SolGov space dumpster by Electrician Maxwell Olphert. Maxwell and his step brother, Nick Crysten, managed to bring the AI back to a functional state (although many of its core files were, and remain, corrupted). However, due to a lack of a chassis, Spark was carried around for approximately three years in just the (now repaired) posibrain. Upon Maxwell and co. reaching NanoTrasen, Spark was initially placed into a cyborg shell, and shortly deemed satisfactory for an AI core, if a bit glitch-y with the interface.

Spark continued serving as a lawed synthetic for about a full year, until Nick happened across IPC chassis productions. Interested, Nick looked past the broad price range, and purchased one. Spark was placed into the chassis, and, despite Nick's brother, Matthew, objecting (mostly at the cost), refunds were not permitted, and they were now in more debt than when they arrived. Even with Spark working under other jobs, as well as still serving under lawed shells, the AI (And Nick) are about half the reason the Crysten/ Olphert family are still working at NanoTrasen. However, the IPC form has proven very useful, both on the station and otherwise. Spark was able to complete several courses within the Canaan University of Technology, where other forms would either hinder it or be prohibited entirely.


Maxwell Crysten

Matthew Crysten

Nick Crysten

Spark 5.5m

Jane Crysten


Personal Relationships

Maxwell Crysten - Close Friend/ Respected

Matthew Crysten - Hate

Nick Crysten - Acquaintance

Jane Crysten - Neutral/Unsure

Kei' Shen - Acquaintence

Abraxas - Acquaintance


Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear

Faction Relations

NanoTrasen - Hate

Wizard Federation - Enemy

Syndicate - Neutral

Synthetic Union - Allied

Vampires - Neutral

Skrell - Like

Vox - Neutral

Plasmamen - Like


Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy


Other Information

I'll likely be adding to this, but feedback is greatly appreciated!

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