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Make mining less boring. Add monsters to mining asteroid


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I do not want monsters in mining, dying alone ignored and irretrievable on the asteroid is not fun.

Take a GPS. Then hopefully telescience can bring you back


I've played a lot of telescience back on /tg/, and i've only ever once saved a dead miner because of his GPS, you can say it's me not paying attention, but still, VERY LOW CHANCE


P.S: that miner in question was a traitor, he was lying next to a goliath with an esword next to him, just handed the corpse and esword to sec and went to stealing things from the delerict again


Ninja edit: for anybody wondering how I knew what the situation was like, don't recall correctly but it probably was the fact that I couldn't TP from the specific tile he was on, because offsets, and then I just went there to check with the QM


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I know how to fix this: mineral magnet like in goon, blam


Which makes mining even more mind numbingly boring--no exploration, no risk, and a complete RNG reliance on what is pulled in for ores. It was hard enough to find some ores on Goon before the magnet, but once that magnet was the only way, sometimes you'd spend 30 minutes trying to pull in something that had the ore you wanted (and that's half a Goon round).



I'll make a more detailed post about TG mining a bit later this evening to explain how it works mechanically just in case people have any misconceptions as to how things work.


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Shit, check this bidness out:


Somewhat random ore generation.

Potential for ruins, gas pockets, corpses of miners past (with sweet loot), wrecked pods, damaged mechs, rare gear stashes, etc. Basically populate the area with one or two sweet little random secrets every round.


Incorporate the asteroid into the station. The worst part about mining is the travel back and forth, being completely isolated, and how clunky transport is. Build the station into a sizeable asteroid? Sounds genius to me, and now look! You have a whole new Z-Level to mess with that you're no longer using.


Monsters? Eh, maybe VERY rarely. I recall one mining station (here? Somewhere else? It was over a year ago) that had a randomly spawning structure that, when broken into either had some sort of loot or a gorram face hugger! Yikes! A little danger is good, but huge pockets of monsters is a death sentence.


Increase the mining payout, increase the time it takes to dig rocks out, maybe add a fancy mining mulebot. Bam. Life is good.


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Incorporate the asteroid into the station.


I have been planning something like that for a little while, a couple of spots of ore around the station and a few meteors in space. Wouldn't be like the station was embedded in rock though.


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