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So I was just thinking; we have drugs already, and half of them are meme-ish at best. Like meth. Literally doesn't do anything close to what meth actually does. 


But, what about steroids? Here's a basic primer on roids; you can pick and choose what you think would make sense, etc. 

TESTOSTERONE- A hormone that is naturally produced. The more you have, the healthier and stronger you are (to a point). Increases muscular potential. Normal level: 550-700+. Roid level: 4000 or so. Low: below 550. Causes depression, lethargy, fat gain, etc. 

---TEST E- long ester. Game purposes; you'd inject fewer times. The more you do so properly, the bigger and stronger you will get. Moderate use would be useful for general strength and fitness. Heavier use would be better for near-hulk levels.

---TEST C- long ester- more pins than Test E, less pins than P or suspension. 

---TEST P- short ester- Still an ester; doesn't last as long.

---TEST SUSPENSION- straight test. IRL; you'd have to inject this like once an hour or some silly shit or your nuts will shut off, and you will have no test production. If you jab your ass diligently, though, it is test, and will work.

HGH- human growth hormone; allows for growth and healing, and potential mass gain. This can make you huge, with diligence. It can also make all of your other organs huge, and kill you, or blow up your gut. (google slin gut, or hgh gut)

DBOL- oral steroid; increases mass rapidly, gains aren't keepable, minimal strength gain. Will make you look big, but it is all water bloating. Will shut off your nuts though. Give to someone as a prank. 

TREN- Good for recomp, but for game purposes, just consider it the steroid for getting freakishly huge and cut. Roid rage isn't real, but if it was real, this would be the thing to cause it. It lowers your patience and heightens your aggression if you do in fact explode. Injection.

INSULIN- One of the monster mass gainers. Will kill you quickly if you don't eat carbs. Injection.

SARMS- Research chemicals (oral liquid or pill) for people too afraid to or do steroids. Usually legal. No one knows what they will do long term, otherwise, they act like weak versions of roids. 

PROHORMONES- Similar to sarms; a pill you take, the body synthesizes the chemicals held within into hormones for the body to use. Causes shit like cancer. No longer legal.


The healing and strength could prevent bone breaking and allow for faster running. Maybe stronger melee attacks, breaking cuffs or doors open. Not to the extent of hulk, but similar. It could be used by the psych for prescription, or older characters that happen to be frail, etc. The possibilities are somewhat wide, it sort of depends on your understanding of roids, though. They'd probably require you to eat a massive amount of food, though. 4k to 8k+ calories a day IRL. If nothing else, we already have stupid drugs that don't do anything. Roids could actually have some effect.

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