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Admin Complaint - Heroo2012


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I started playing Paradise a few weeks ago.  I used to play SS13 a while, so I'm fairly familiar with the rules of most servers, and not to be a jerk, etc. I've been digging Paradise a lot, because the admins are pretty chill, I haven't had any issues with anyone, but I get on and Heroo2012 bwoinks me for my choice of name which I've used for the majority of the time on this server, Gary Tide/ Gary Tides.  In none of my interactions with any of the admins has anyone taken issue, but I believe Heroo2012 is grossly overstepping.  According to your rules:



We forbid fictional and non-fictional names that the Server Staff deem to be famous enough to be recognizable by the playerbase. Other forbidden names are crude pun names, and Non-Serious/Improper names. Mythological names (Apollo, Mars, Beowulf), are permitted but your character should not be the mythological character.

Station equipment and silicons (AIs/Mechs/Borgs/IPCS, and the station itself.) may be named after famous computing related names such as HAL 9000, SHODAN, IBM, etc.

Certain names, by their very nature (such as dictators or famous murderers) may warrant immediate punishment.

As we have admins from over 20 different countries, what one admin deems as recognizable, others might not, and vice versa.

If you think a name should be disallowed or allowed that an admins thinks of otherwise, this can be sent for review. However, until the review is finalized, the decision of the admin at the time remains.

It's not a pun, yes, it's a mispelling of Greytide, but it's not offensive, and there are people out there with the last name Tide/Tides in real life.

I've included a log of the interaction with this post.  I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I find Heroo2012's super strict interpretations of the server rules incredibly off-putting, and against the spirit of the rules / having fun.

Chat Log.txt

Edited by NachoManCandyCabbage
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Alright, sorry I took this long to get around to this complaint but I will be the one looking into this.

While I do see where issue could of been taken with this name, I will still do some investigation regarding it, will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright since the time of this complaint there has been a slight amendment in the naming rules.


Regarding Non-Serious and/or Improper character names:

Your character is an employee of  a powerful corporation serving on a cutting edge space station.  Names should be context appropriate and support appropriate role-play.  The clown will have considerably more freedom of "meme" naming then the captain.  Failing to adhere to these standards will result to either IC or OOC consequences (including changing the name) depending on play history, severity, subjective quality of role play (with a preference on "medium") and OOC factors.

If you think a name should be allowed that an admins thinks of otherwise, this can be sent for review. However, until the review is finalized, the decision of the admin at the time remains.

As per this rule, do you still oppose the ruling that was made?

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