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Kidan lore ideas

Dark lord derpy

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Kidan is the human given name to a growing civilization of insectoid hive-societies, they originated on the planet of Kipoplac, an earthlike moon with a thick atmosphere, Kidan civilization is believed to have emerged gradually over the past few thousand years, they currently have mastered relativistic interstellar travel and have been experimenting with wormhole technology. the kidan society is communal, all of a hive share resources for the common good, like ants and bees, the kidan have a 'queen' however, these queens have no political power and are not even seen as people by most kidan, but instead seen as tools. the kidan lifecycle requires special hormones in order to allow them to select a 'caste' these hornomes are produced by the queen under certain conditions, as a technological society, the kidan have figured out how to produce these chemicals synthetically.


The different hormones allow for different types of workers, it effects many aspects of themselves, such as brainpower, emotions, and sometimes even physical traits as well. in traditional kidan societies, a caste choice was something that sticks with you for life, and you were expected to obey what was expected of that caste, but in most modern societies, kidan are allowed to switch, the process of taking a caste takes about 2 years.


Ill post more information on the caste types later but Ill give a basic rundown now

Laborer: the general physical workforce, taking care of the hive, dealing with electrical systems, maintenance, and that kind of job, they arent particularily creative but they have a great work ethic

Innovator: The innovators can best be described as a caste of mad scientists, they have increased intelligence in many areas but are a little bit loopy, they are not murderous or violent, but sometimes the ideas they come up with are less than entirely plausible or safe.

Logician: a very different kind of scientist from the innovator, the logicians are cold and logical, they are skilled in mathematics and observation, they are not easily swayed by politics or greed and often are in high positions of power within the hive, however, they are generally shy and prefer to simply watch.

Caretaker: the caretakers are the teachers of the kidan, with strong empathy, the caretakers gather knowledge about the hives and the outside world to teach to children.

Beasttender: The beasttenders are the kidan in charge of dealing with non-kidan lifeforms, including animals, the queens(they are considered tools or animals, rather than true kidan), and alien lifeforms, the Beasttender is good at learning bizarre languages and customs from experiences in Zoopsychology

Manipulator: the manipulators are some of the most intelligent kidan, often the leaders of a hive, the manipulators are good at social manipulation and use this to run kidan society, they never rule alone however, as they usually have members of other castes as advisors


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A brief history of kidan civilization:


Pre-Modern Kidan: around 800,000 BCE-120,000 B.C.E: The kidan are little more than animals, they have hives like ants, and act very much like ants only more intelligent, it is believed that the beginnings of the caste system started here with the first castes being laborers and warriors

Ancient Kidan: 120,000-7,000 BCE: the foundations of kidan society formed in many hives, kidan begin full fledged agriculture and begin making tools, they experience a huge population growth during this time, with hives around the globe by 7,000 BCE

The First age of innovation: 7,000 BCE-2,000 BCE: the kidan hive of Kithai learns to trade with its neighbores, this practice quickly spreads across the kidan hives, covering multiple continents, additionally, new diets allowed by the agricultural revolution and trade allow more castes to be created, many of the modern castes have an origin in the first age of innovation, with the addition of the new castes, society begins to collapse in some hives, but thrives at new levels in others

The Age of the empire: 2000 BCE-80 CE: the kidan hives of Ykir, Titak, Viivk, and Zizi unite to form the empire of Kidan, the empire of kidan was very much like rome of earth mixed with china of the early 21st century. the empire expanded itself across the globe forcing other kidan societies to join it, the Empire made many advances in technology bringing the kidan to about the same technological level as the middle ages of earth. the Kidan empire did not tolerate deviants however due to a high amount of warriors and a general view that the way of the empire was the correct way. the Kidan empire was a democracy ruled by a council of 3

The Fall of the empire:80 CE-800 CE As the empire grew, its ability to control the outer colonies lessened and eventually, new cultures began to form War after war continued to weaken the empire until the council decided to disband the empire, seperating it into 22 different empires, the Confederacy of Kid was born. these empires all went on different paths, producing a cultural renaisance as new ideas spread more freely

The Age of Innovation: 800 CE-1300 CE: new technologies were being produced at an incredible rate due in part to less restriction on some of the more deviant castes such as the innovators, However, during this age communication between different empires was less common, as each empire had a very strong sense of independance, this caused great diversity among the technologies used by different groups. during this time, The Second Empirium began to rise with all of the problems of the first.

The rise and fall of the second Empire: 1300-1500 ce: The second empire began assimilating other hives into itself, but many hives had advanced to a higher level of technology, using guns and rockets, flamethrowers and bioweapons against the rising empire, the second empire was not able to defend against all of the different weapons and was soon forced to retreat.

The age of enlightenment: 1500-1600 ce: The scientific method spreads among the kidan, the innovators and logicians worked together to further improve the technological level of the kidan during this time the technological level became very much like the 19th century on earth, but with higher knowledge of biotechnology and a generally more steampunk feel.

The Third Empire: 1625-1710 The third kidan empire was not like the first two, it was far less restrictive on deviants and this made for a more chaotic society, but also allowed better technological advances, the first trips to space were sent along with many other great inventions. most of the world was united under the third empire, but many hives refused to join

The Rise of capitalism:1710-1740 a subhive of the third empire began an experiment, capitalism, where only the best would succeed, in theory, this could bring a golden age to the kidan, bringing faster technological growth. a few hives began experimenting with this idea but this lead to a great war with the main kidan empire which took many lives until the invention of the nuclear weapons. in which after the first shots were fired both sides agreed to stop fighting

The Golden age:1740-1770 the computer is invented for use in space exploration and military, this leads to a great technological growth, robotics soon follow along with other related technologies, Various hives begin to become more and more different from eachother. some hives even disband entirely becoming more like classical earth nations.

The Great war: 1772-1785: "The Renewed Empirium of Kidan" forms, they felt that the kidan were losing unity and needed to be brought back together, they like the ancient empires, believed that this should be done by uniformity. the Renewed Empirium threatened nuclear bombardment to those that did not comply, The Third Empire however, was not amused and threatened The renewed empirium with nuclear and biological weapons. in 1774 fearing mutually assured destruction, the Third empire began sending colonies out into the solar system, in order to assert its dominants, the renewed empire sent its own colonies. during this time, the internet was constructed by the renewed empire and quickly spread across the planet, however, by 1782 the Third empire had mastered the technology and fought cyber warfare against the renewed, eventually, things escalated and the renewed empire began cleansing the 'unkidan' with bioweapons targeted to specific hives...however...the weapons spread and soon, plague had consumed many kidan hives

the dark age 1785-1910: plague caused society to collapse, with few hives on the homeworld remaining, leaving a post apocolyptic cyberpunk technology world. in space however, the kidan hives were growing forging interplanetary socieities and forming "The Confederacy of Space"

The age of light: 1911-2005: The Confederacy of space sent ships to return to the homeworld, and with more advanced technology, cured the plagues, over time, they returned to their former glory, however, the environment of the kidan homeworld had been effected severely.

The Second digital age: 2005-2020: the old internet of the kidan was brought back with the help of the Confederacy of space, cybernetics were brought into daily kidan life and in 2018, the first kidan AI, Kihki was born, unlike human AI kihki existed as a network of multiple sub-intelligences, much like a kidan hive.

The Relativistic age, and the singularity of the kidan homeworld: 2022-Now: The kidan developed new methods of interstellar travel allowing travel at speeds near the speed of light,many hives took to the stars, but the kidan did not yet have interstellar communication, the homeworld of the kidan underwent a technological singularity and now its inhabitants are incomprehensible supercomputer hives. the different kidan hives all took different paths, but still see eachother as parts of a greater whole.


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