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We're doing some new rounds of mentors. This time a bit of a template is to be included, and some additional things you should have.


Knowledge Required:


You should be able to fill basic roles - Engineering, Security, Medical, Science, Cargo. Competency to play the head of one of these roles at minimum is needed, multiple preferred.


Singularity and supermatter knowledge is needed. These are round enders if people get the wrong advice.


General Game Mechanics: A strong knowledge of these are needed.


What also really helps:


Command roles: Being a good Captain would make a huge impact. Knowledge of command stuff like Space Law, SoP, and Keycard Auths/Nuclear codes helps a lot.


Antag roles: like changling, vampire get lots of questions from new players, robust knowledge of these roles is a big help - include this on your app.


Obscure roles: Xenoarch, xenobio, atmos, virology are more obscure. Knowledge of one or more of these - or similar roles - should be included on your app.


Obscure facts: Telecoms scripting, putting fire extinguishers back in closets, refilling autoinjectors, wiring a bomb to work with a laser sensor, disabling borgs. etc. These kind of things show detailed knowledge.


Lore: Detailed knowledge of SS13 lore is a big help, but not 100% necessary.





A clean record is not required. However, having any current job bans will exclude you. Previous ban history is fine - as long as you have learned from this.


Good communication skills are required, as that will be your job. Not having english as a first language, or poor english skills won't be held against you - as long as you are able to communicate responses well and politely. Ability to speak other languages is helpful - include this in your app.


Roleplay - a good history of this is a big help. We will take it into consideration highly. Don't include this on your app, we'll know.


Karma is not taken into consideration.




Template - Used in application forum



Time playing SS13:

Time on Paradise:


Main area of expertise:


Why you want to be a mentor:


Why you would make a good mentor:


Previous Experience with similar roles on other servers/games:


Ban history:


Other Comments:


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