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Complaint of Shockpoint


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Admin(s) Key: Shockpoint
Your ckey (Byond username): Raeschen
Your Discord name (if applicable): Raeschen#0001

Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred): 16:50, 27-nov-2018

Nature of complaint: Over-moderation

Brief description (tl;dr here. Just the critical elements): I made a small innuendo-ish joke and got bwoinked immediately

Full description of events: So some admin (i don't know who) was randomly making explosions on the bridge for memes or something. People were asking who fired a BSA and i did, as a joke; "I did it. I fired the BSA. /me grabs his crotch. /me laughs." I got bwoinked for "starting sex talk" which i think is a huge stretch. 

I asked for a quote of the rules i broke and just got told to "go read all the rules"

I did this and found that rule 12 has:

Sexual innuendos, jokes, remarks, and comments are allowed to only a certain extent. They should not be used excessively and not overdone with details. Examples such as "Go blow one", "Eat a dick", or "Go twiddle the Captain" are fine;

I don't think this is excessive/overdoing with details. I'm making this complaint because paradise seems like a non-big-brothery comfortable atmosphere and several occasions predating this plus this are becoming a bit concerning.

screenshot here:



I know some people like me might be a bit more of a degenerate than some but don't jump down my throat because i make the odd innuendo. i'm not here to ruin your server with ERP but i like the idea of being 'tastefully' myself at times.

Edited by Raeschen
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As a general rule, anything more sexualized than kissing and hugging is considered ERP. We obviously cannot list all the fetishes that exist here, so please use common sense. Administrators may ask you to stop anything they feel is borderline, in which case you are to stop at once;

Grabbing your genitals would be considered "more sexualized than kissing and hugging". Given the context I see in the logs here, it seems the intent was more a joke about your junk, rather than anything actually erotic. However, out of context (which is how admins generally see things, as they're not following every player all the time), it def appears as a prelude to more dodgy things. The "ayyy" at the end especially shows a rather memey approach to it, which often is a prelude to emotes etc that are well over the border.

I see nothing wrong with an admin asking you not to start with sex talk. As per the rule quoted above, admins may ask you to stop something they think is borderline. No punishment was actually given here, which would have occurred if it was considered over the border. The phrasing of the request seems polite to me, not at all jumping down your throat. Everything here seems in line with rule 12. We err on the side of caution when it comes to sexual content. The odd innuendo is fine, although I think grabbing your crotch is the exact opposite of tasteful. As the rules say, innuendo is only allowed to a certain extent. Emoting grabbing your genitals goes a bit beyond innuendo, and rather than being hinting or suggesting at things, is a direct prelude to masturbation. An admin asking you to tone that down is more than reasonable in this case.


As the complaint is considered without merit, I've marked it as resolved.

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