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The current minisat is TERRIBLE. I would think that it would be something to actually protect the AI, along with housing it. As it currently stands, EVERYONE goes to the minisat to take on the ai, from the back part of it, making the 8 other turrets completely useless, as well as the rest of the area. I'd suggest making the Minisat more circular or square in shape, with the AI core in the middle, so it actually has some protection. 

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problem with that is then it makes the already pretty hard task of killing the AI even harder. realistically yes the AI would be more protected, but on the flipside the antags are players too and if you make it too hard then it isn't fun anymore.

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  On 12/2/2018 at 7:51 AM, Taac said:

problem with that is then it makes the already pretty hard task of killing the AI even harder. realistically yes the AI would be more protected, but on the flipside the antags are players too and if you make it too hard then it isn't fun anymore.


Can't really stick in my two cents here but I believe he's saying there's a meta around invading the AI's sat that makes it easy - if it was already hard enough I doubt he would be making this post.

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Killing the AI is far from difficult, especially as most antagonists. 

All it takes is one guy in a hard suit and a bomb to go around the back end of the sattelite. 

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Posted (edited)

If you hate the current one, I'd love to have seen what you thought of the previous sat before the changes. That being said, the issue more lies with thermite making Rwalls useless. If someone takes their time to deconstruct all the walls, along with using the girder to block the turret shots and deconstruct the SMES to get behind the AI, your looking at a 5 - 7 min completion. If the AI calls for help, sec should be there within that timeframe. However if you use thermite, then emp the turrets or use desword, it will take upwards of a min, if that. Good luck getting officers to reach it in that timeframe with their lack of access.  The AI's best hope at that point is a pod pilot to nab the thief in space.

Even if the place was made more round and circular as you suggest, one emp will just nock them all off, and it will be stolen ez pz. You will only make it harder for those who don't have desword/emp.  At the end of the day turrets will be easily cheesable, no matter how much damage it does or how it is placed. 

Edited by Rurik
one spelling error reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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The turret blind spots are a problem, the turrets being against the wall is another major flaw. Having them against the wall makes it possible to smash one of them in melee by hopping back and forth before it can open. If there is one space between them and the outerwall (like old sat had) then its harder to get in and take your swing before it's ready to fire.

Turrets could use an overhaul in general, from taking reduced damage when undeployed (or opening) to having a 'hot' setting where they deploy and have their first shot charged and waiting for when someone gets in range, maybe with a larger power passive power draw when in this mode.

Why the AI APC hasn't been made EMP proof like engineering SMES is similarly beyond me, EMPs have been given to almost all antags for negligible costs or otherwise easy to access (anyone with ORM access can make an EMP grenade if Mining is the least bit competent.) and Ion Carbines backpack storable and printable for cheap.

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  On 12/2/2018 at 1:24 PM, davidchan said:

Turrets could use an overhaul in general, from taking reduced damage when undeployed (or opening)


I like that idea a lot. Having it so simply cheesing them with a toolbox is a little harder is always a good idea in my book, especially since its so easy to do.

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