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Hey everyone. My (user)name is mrbits, and I've been an off-again on-again SS13 player for a while now.


I stopped playing SS13 when my regular server began enforcing heavy-handed rules in a (misguided) attempt to eliminate griefing. Doing your job less-than-perfectly? Job ban. Leaving your station? Job ban. Not knowing how to do every little thing? You get the idea. In the end it was faster to call the admins than to call security, and you could always spot the the antags because they were the only people misbehaving who weren't banned yet.


But I digress. Walking away from that server was a boon, because it let me discover Paradise Station! I've only played, oh, 10 rounds so far but I'm loving it. The jobs are interesting, the station is cool and the addition of alien races and a karma system is really nice.


Looking forward to playing with you all, in the future. :)


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