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Newest civilian jobs to replace assistants


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This is NOT my idea, this was something the admins are already doing. They mentioned putting in lots of new jobs and phasing out assistants all together.


They mentioned: Traders, laborers, and colonists. But not much info was given. I want some juicy details admins! What will they do? How many people will the slot hold? Where will they operate out of? How kewl will it be?


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Yes, it makes little sense that the least supervised employees are the assistants.

I think assistants should belong to departments, which would probably include being given indicative titles and general access within said department. This would require some programming because the authentication/authorization levels within the department would need revamping (physical access to engineering will no longer mean that you are qualified to push any button) not to mention that we may need to reconsider wether or not every department local authorization tweak still needs to through the HoP.

This would encourage people to test out new departments as assistants and makes the trainee situation more explicit and manageable for the department heads.

And it would help out security because there would less percentage of people naturally roaming the corridors (especially during curfews).


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Move paradise station to a surface-side map of a semi-habitable planet with an inhospitable atmosphere, and replace assistants with a bunch of 'native' jobs. You'd spawn as a native in a town elsewhere on the planet separate from NT with different tools/technology and little understanding of NT's workings. That way you can bother the customs officer when you want to board the installation and see all the amusing different things, and have an excuse for acting bonkers/greytide.


Maybe make it a plasma-rich planet, with plasma/carbon based lifeforms and the atmosphere has like 21% plasma, some oxygen and nitrogen, and some other new gas that prevents ignition of plasma in high quantities. NT's there to mine the planet's gasses as well as its material, especially underwater in the ocean, and they traded plenty of glass beads to the natives for the rights!


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Move paradise station to a surface-side map of a semi-habitable planet with an inhospitable atmosphere, and replace assistants with a bunch of 'native' jobs. You'd spawn as a native in a town elsewhere on the planet separate from NT with different tools/technology and little understanding of NT's workings. That way you can bother the customs officer when you want to board the installation and see all the amusing different things, and have an excuse for acting bonkers/greytide.


Maybe make it a plasma-rich planet, with plasma/carbon based lifeforms and the atmosphere has like 21% plasma, some oxygen and nitrogen, and some other new gas that prevents ignition of plasma in high quantities. NT's there to mine the planet's gasses as well as its material, especially underwater in the ocean, and they traded plenty of glass beads to the natives for the rights!


That.... could work nicely, even tough it might require more Z levels, and dynamic rooms so the map is in a constant change... Just imagine knowing all the Z levels like the back of your palm. Even tough this is going to require a lot of work.


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Ponies already has plans to make randomized space z-levels for exploration. Just would need to make them randomized wilderness and a randomized town instead.

Yeah you'd need all the new sprites and alien-based mechanics like tools and farming and blacksmithery or whatever technology level they're at.


Edit: Make the shuttles between places take less time to spin up, but teleport to a traveling transition zlevel with an animation of a random wilderness blazing by at high speed.


You can also make assumptions about planets to save on byond processing that you wouldn't be able to on a space setting. Wouldn't be surprised if the station had some sort of space-elevator go to go into low and high orbit for space exploration and shenanigans.


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Move paradise station to a surface-side map of a semi-habitable planet with an inhospitable atmosphere, and replace assistants with a bunch of 'native' jobs. You'd spawn as a native in a town elsewhere on the planet separate from NT with different tools/technology and little understanding of NT's workings. That way you can bother the customs officer when you want to board the installation and see all the amusing different things, and have an excuse for acting bonkers/greytide.


Maybe make it a plasma-rich planet, with plasma/carbon based lifeforms and the atmosphere has like 21% plasma, some oxygen and nitrogen, and some other new gas that prevents ignition of plasma in high quantities. NT's there to mine the planet's gasses as well as its material, especially underwater in the ocean, and they traded plenty of glass beads to the natives for the rights!


While a fun concept, it would take a huge amount of work, have problems of the "natives" ending up like the current shaft miners,(or even worse, greyshirts) remove the main part of Space Station 13, cause all kinds of problems with atmos/balancing/antags. (hell, pretty sure that another type of gas would simply cause massive lag)

Maybe for a specific, heavy RP server.


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