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Offended by Keyt suggesting I make love to my goats


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I am deeply offended by Keyt in my ban appeal suggesting I make love to my goats when I said “I love my goats” this is in the same context as someone saying they love their parents. I am a goat Rancher in Missouri and I love what I do and I care about my animals. To have an admin that thinks about beastiality with an innocent comment is sickening. 

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Hi there,

First of all - thank you for posting this complaint. I haven't laughed so hard about one in a long, long time. This is perhaps the funniest admin complaint I've ever seen. Thanks again.

Secondly - use the damn template it's there for a reason.

Third - I don't see evidence of Kyet saying you make love to your goats. I do see him saying your rant about how much you love your goats is weird and depraved. Gonna have to agree there! If you don't want people to think you fuck goats, maybe don't rant about how much you love goats, how you love them like your parents...and don't call yourself goat lover. I cannot believe I actually have to say this, but just to reiterate: If you call yourself "goat lover" on the internet, people are gonna assume it's because you fuck goats. Welcome to the Internet.

 As for the actual ban? You broke numerous rules. Breaking rules gets you banned.

Now, as for the actual name - despite the whole "goat fucking" connotations - you're confusing OOC and IC here. OOCly, you love goats - truly and deeply, it seems. Much like someone would love their parents. ICly, you're playing a character on a space station who is not a goat farmer from Missouri. You should not use your IRL love for goats as a name for your character. This is because you're playing a roleplaying game, but also because NO ONE would call themselves "goat lover" because that would make them sound like someone who fucks goats. Like...obviously. Why am I even explaining this. It seems common sense.

A quick google of "goat lover" is very NSFW. Here's a hint: It does not involve wholesome love for goats as per parental figures. Thanks. That's now in my search history. There is however at least TWO movies about it. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3321672/


As for the actual complaint, I'm not even marking this as with or without merit...I just can't. This is so amazingly ridiculous and I'm laughing too much I can't take this seriously.

Please do be assured that Kyet is now getting absolutely SPAMMED with pictures of goats and it's the funniest fucking thing ever.

Perhaps it's best if you left our server alone and focus on your passion of goat ranching (While obeying all state and federal laws please.)

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