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Admin complaint: Harkness22


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Admin(s) Key: Harkness22
Your ckey (Byond username): splgrk
Your Discord name (if applicable): eldan985

Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred): 26.04.2019

Nature of complaint: Misapplication of rules
(Select all that apply: EG - clarification required, misapplication of rules, misconduct, abuse of powers, feedback, other)

Brief description (tl;dr here. Just the critical elements): Was being mistreated by sec. Made a complaint to an admin. After a maybe a dozen messages back and forth that I thought was a discussion of the event, admin permabanned me with no warning for "spamming ahelp".

Full description of events:

I picked another assistant's ID off the floor and put it on for a joke. It was just lying in the main corridor. An officer, seeing this, tazed me in the back with no warning and dragged me to prison. I was stripped naked and had my headset taken when I complained on the coms. After having my headset taken, I shoved the arresting officer out the door and tried to disarm him. He harmbatoned me twice, put me back in my cell and left me bucklecuffed, while he increased hte prison time to 25 minutes.

At this point, I sent an ahelp about the entire situation. A few messages were sent back and forth. In the end, before I got any definitive response from the admin about the situation, the HOS came in and lowered my sentence back to five minutes.

After the sentence was over, I was trapped in the cells and could not get out. I tried calling over a few officers, but they seemed busy. At this point, I deconstructed the bed in my cell, which I admit was a bit childish. Another officer came in and arrested me again, for "major trespass". When I explained to him that my sentence was over and I just could not get out of my cell, he said that he did not care.

So I ahelped again, which what I thought was a new case and new information. At this point, I was banned for spamming ahelp.

This, to me, kinda came entirely out of the blue. As far as I can remember, I was not told to stop, or that I was writing too many ahelps, I just sent one new message in with some new information, so the admin could have a full picture of the situation as I saw it. Before that, I had sent maybe five or six messages, describing the entire story, mostly broken up into several messages because writing one entire long post in that small text field at the bottom of the screen gets unwieldy quickly.

So, that just leaves me kinda confused about what exactly was wrong about writing another message about a new incident. I mean, if breaking up a message into several lines is such a problem, he could just have told me...

Edited by Splgrk
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9 hours ago, Splgrk said:

admin permabanned me with no warning for "spamming ahelp".


9 hours ago, Splgrk said:

At this point, I was banned for spamming ahelp.

The reason for your ban was given as:


"Harassing sec and being toxic, again. Spammed ahelps with complaints about security. We're not going down this similar spiral. Take some time to cool off and appeal in a week."

You were not permabanned for spamming ahelps. You were permabanned for harrassing sec and being toxic.The spamming ahelps part is only giving some information and context to the ban.

I do not know if you are intentionally misrepresenting this ban in an attempt to make Harkness22 to look bad here, or did not read the ban reason properly. Either way, this complaint is invalid, as it is untrue.


Complaint without merit and resolved.

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