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Old Man Henderson

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Standing roughly 6'2", Old Man Henderson would stand out from any crowd. Probably due to the odor of cheap whiskey and ganja that seems to be emenating from him. His hair is tailored in an old fashioned mohawk and he sports a full Grizzly-Adams style beard. He can usually be found with a Cigarette, Cigar or Joint in his mouth, as he only stops smoking when he has to run on internals or something.

As an expert with both Robotics and Chemistry, he has picked up more than a few skills that many would consider sinister, such as his skill at making explosives or mech suits.

Anyone who talks to Henderson for more than two seconds will learn about his never-ending crusade: The eternal search for his missing antique Garden Gnome Collection. According to him, they were stolen by a cult of Space Mormons that he used to live across the street from, possibly in cahoots with the syndicate or the Space Wizard's guild. (He's never been consistent with his theories.) In reality he got really high one day, sold them off to a Charity auction and simply forgot about it. As such, he tends to assume that any threat to the station is either the culprit of this heinous crime, or in league with them. ((I would just like to point out that I am not using his vendetta on the supposed Gnome Thieves as an excuse for him to randomly attack people. Henderson believes the "culprit" has to be some sort of criminal mastermind to have somehow taken 215 Gnomes out from under his nose.So no, you won't see him beat up the Clown claiming him to be the man he's after, not unless he sees the clown whip out a beam sword and hack someone to death.))


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