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adding the ORM the ability to see how many ores each miner mined and which types

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I think it'd be more to be able to tell which people are playing Miner for the combat and kinda ignoring the actual supplying demands, and which are doing good miner workings. So often do I just see miners yelling "ORM UPGRADED YET?" and refusing to return and supply the station with stuff until it is...Then they do once, get the upgrades they want, and either go die in lavaland, or come back after a while, in full drake armor with 3 lava staffs and a sword and just....don't do mining anymore after that.


Im not opposed to this, I just also know that it's quite obvious when the miners are either dead or are goofing off trying to get loot. The reason why is that any job, like scientist, that has access to the ORM and regularly visits it for work will notice that "hey, there's nothing new in here / absolutely nothing at all." At which point they complain to the HOP who may or may not do anything until enough snarky comments are made over common to get them in trouble.


Competition breeds excellence. I like this idea, willing to try it. 

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