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I know that the last time the server needs is more inexperienced people trying to steal, murder and dick around with game mechanics they know nothing about, but hear me out.(Also, I'm completely in the dark regarding whether this idea has been pitched or rejected before and how much effort it would take programming-wise)

I've been having a great time playing a Geneticist lately, and part of that is having fun equipping the crew with the shit I find(for the better or for the worse) and seeing how they work with it, and it got me thinking.

Most RnD players are given round goals, something to lead them to create something specific and I always thought it was kind of odd that those micro-goals were given exclusively to RnD players. I understand that there are certain skills and play-styles the RnD Department requires from the people who play it, especially in comparison to something as RNG-based as Genetics, but I feel like something should be given to other Departments, especially since some of them have a lot of freedom to experiment, arguably too much freedom. So, I've compiled a short list of some ideas I have for non-RnD members of the Station.


  1. Escape on the Escape Shuttle or in an Escape Pod with X credits.
  2. Escape on the Escape Shuttle or in an Escape Pod with X stolen item(s).(Would spawn at the beginning of the round, most likely something that takes up some space, maybe a tank full of plasma or some organs in a box)


  1. [Station Engineer] Renovate and reopen X location.(Abandoned Bar, Assembly Line, Medbay Maintenance, etc.)
  2. [Mechanic] Build a Space Pod.


  1. [Miner] Obtain X amount of X resource.
  2. [CT & QM] Distribute X item(s) to X crew members.(Something Nanotrasen would want everyone station-side to have lore-wise or something slightly illegal)


  1. [Chemist] Escape on the Escape Shuttle or in an Escape Pod with X amount of X chemical.(Drugs or something would be the most reasonable thing that would need to be snuck out)
  2. [Geneticist] Find X number of non-blank traits.


  1. [Clown & Mime] Have an X mech built by Robotics.
  2. [Librarian] Write a book/newspaper article.
  3. [Chaplain] Hold X funerals using the Crematorium or Mass Driver.
  4. [Botanist] Grow X amount of X plant. (Diona, Bluespace Bananas, Nettles, whatever)


Now, this list is pretty basic and janky, but it serves the purpose it intends. There are plenty of goals that can be given to non-RnD roles, just for some sense of direction if the players need it. A lot of them aren't super difficult to complete, and simply require that the player in question actually does their job. Now, I'm going to delve into something I'd like to call micro-antag goals. Some of the things I listed above fall into this category, by virtue of being sketchy enough that a security bag search might raise an eyebrow or two, perhaps even warrant an arrest, but nothing game-breaking or directly harmful to other players.

Essentially, the concept of a 'micro-antag goal' is to give someone items, powers and/or abilities they should not have, under the assumption that the person in question is not, in fact, a powergamer or griefer, but a player who will RP out the experience. Obviously, some things can get quite ramped up quite quickly, so I'd limit it to simple, role-based application, like giving the Clown a satchel full of Funny Voice injectors or the Bartender some drugs that they might slip into a drink. Obviously, this idea isn't super fleshed-out and I'm not sure how it could be implemented, but I'd really love to encourage having a couple more back-room deals where the result is a relatively RP-friendly, borderline illegal bit of fun that doesn't hurt anyone too badly and may or may not end up with all parties involved spending time in the Brig.

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I kind like the idea of small objectives, but I don't think just implementing the system for science for other things will work. Most things are more difficult to check and as a roboticist I always just ignore my objectives because they make no difference at all.

  • 3 weeks later...

I'd be careful with the type of goals being added. Rounds can get pretty hectic as is with the greytide. Just look at how extended rounds can become chaotic without any actual antags. Encouraging people to antag may make things too difficult for the rest of the crew to handle.

  On 9/26/2019 at 4:58 PM, Veterankyl said:

I'd be careful with the type of goals being added. Rounds can get pretty hectic as is with the greytide. Just look at how extended rounds can become chaotic without any actual antags. Encouraging people to antag may make things too difficult for the rest of the crew to handle.


Nobody says the goals have to be harmful, and if anything, having a few of these added to certain jobs could help focus the rounds and reduce griefing, since a player could be so focused on completing their goal, that they don't get bored and start messing around. 

  • 3 months later...

I'm late on this topic, but i think this is a fantastic idea. I'll admit, I get bored so i stroll off and start messing about, One time as a Cargo Tech i was so bored i managed to build a 5 star bar in the crate storage lockup. It had silver tiles and i had to break into engineering twice for materials. If one of my goals was to help with the station or whatever i probably would've proritized that


There are systems like this that already exist around the SS13 community too, Bay has non-antag objectives like "Give/receive a hug from someone" as well as job-related stuff and Goon has a special not-really-an-antag-at-all sorta miscreant role with objectives like "Staple your ass to your head." 

  • 2 weeks later...
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