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Admin Key:socialsystem


Complaint: I was banned for role playing too well. I was using the information my character had and reacting to a situation. During a round my character encountered skeletons on the station. I dunno what YOU guys think when you see a skeleton but I killed it with a crowbar. I found a few skeletons throughout the round. I became hungry from my skelly slaying and went to order some food. The chef threw raw food on the counter and said "eat it". When I refused he left into a hallway, came back with a skeleton following him, opened a door and exclaimed "Kill my skeleton minion!" so my character, having seen this guy command a skeleton, killed it then attacked him. He ran away injured and I made myself food. A few minutes later in the round that guy came into a room I was in and started grabbing me. NOTE: he did this before I did anything. So I beat him with an oxygen tank, but he had healed up and he drug me to a garbage disposal and threw me in, nearly killing me. It was at this time I was contacted by this admin. He said I was assaulting the guy for no reason, when I was only using the information my character had gathered and was attempting to survive. He had this to say:


You have been banned by socialsystem.


Killed as a non-antag. The cook does not have the power to command skeletons,

killing him because he said "Kill my skeleton Kill" is not a valid reason. Please Appeal

if you feel necessary.

This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 1440 minutes.

To try to resolve

this matter head to


I told the guy he was confusing in-character and out of character information. Why the hell would my doctor character know how skeletons behave?


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I quote from our server rules: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=44


4. Avoid Excessive Violence:


When provoked into extreme anger a punch or two may be realistic but Nanotrasen doesn't hire people who bludgeon someone to death with a crowbar when angry or bored.

Self-defense only justifies a proportional use of force and only what’s required to save your life.

Chasing a person down is not self defense, neither is crushing their skull with an oxy tank while they're down.

If you think murder or extreme violence is justified in response to someone's actions, then admin help for permission.

Even if it is justified in an RP context, without admin permission it is not allowable.

Lethal force should always be a last resort, even for security. Remember as well that what the admins will permit and what security will arrest you for a two completely different things.

Saying your character is CRAZY LOL is not an excuse for this - that's just bad roleplay.



You attacked first, therefore you were the who assaulted the chef, not the other way around. Then you responded with lethal force to the grabs (lethal force is anything that could kill, or severly wound the person, this includes beatings), more excessive violence.

And before you answer, let me quote it once more:


Even if it is justified in an RP context, without admin permission it is not allowable.


So SocialSystem was just enforcing the rules like any admin would do, and the normal punishment for this is longer than just 24 hours (7 days is the recommended punishment for killing as non-antag), so i would say he was kind in this case.




You seem to be making appeal, not an admin complaint, he banned you for attacking the chef, which in itself is legit, however it seems to be more too it.


Looks like you take the standards of roleplaying on our server a bit higher than what it really is, as far as I am aware the skeletons won't attack on command, nor will they attack at all unless provoked, so the chef didn't really command it, he dragged it and yelled at it to do something, so there is that for your "RP I will attack him"


There is also always two sides of a coin, so we can wait for Social to chip inn on this as well



The guy didn't die, ever. I didn't even knock him down I don't think. The first incident resulted in him running away and me not chasing him. The second ended with him hurt and me Dieing in the area the trash chute dumps you. I was attempting to defend myself from the trash chute the second time. Whether the chef was punished for dumping me I of course, do not know. It's true I didn't ask permission, but I really didn't know -me out of play- if the skeleton would attack me and dieing is annoying so I killed it and thought he had actually set the thing against me. The ban has expired but it's still something I wanted addressed, it could in fact be that I assumed the RP was more intense than it is.



The rules have already been quoted above. If your RP requires violence as a non-antagonist, you should contact the administration staff first to receive permission. These rules are clear and explicit, you either knowingly broke them or had not chosen to familiarize yourself with the rules of our server. Administration staff are required to enforce the server rules and as such complaints against them for doing so are not applicable.


Since you do not mention any other issues with social system's conduct, beyond the ban itself, this is not a valid complaint.


Complaint Closed


If you have any complaints about this or any other admin's behaviour other than enforcing the server rules, please open a specific complaint regarding that conduct.


Should you feel that the server rules are incorrect or require changing, I recommend the suggestions forum as the appropriate venue. However do note that playing on our server requires accepting the rules as they currently are and that disagreeing with the rules is not justification for breaking them.


Had your ban not already elapsed, you could appeal it within our appeals forum.



M Kenner.

Senior Admin.


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