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Hey there, I've been playing on paradise for quite some time now, and, since nobody seems to have made one yet, decided to put together a tier list for all the varying antagonists I've played.

This list will feature antagonistic roles that are part of a roundtype/do not have to be manually spawned.

I'll categorize the roles into 4 (A, B, C, and D tier), and rank them by personal preference inside each tier. The higher up, the better.

A tier:

  • Vampire-traitor combo - one of the most powerful (and rare) antag types, this combo will allow you to roam the station at will, as well as take advantage of traitor items (sleeping carp anyone?). Extremely difficult to stop, and you won't get bored with the whopping 9 objectives working 2 jobs at once gives you.
  • Shadowling - Extremely powerful antagonist when in the right hands, this monster will make you fear the dark. Drop botany a quick maxcap present and abuse shadowstep to convert all the station.
  • Wizard - Also quite powerful in the right hands, this antagonist can cause mayhem around the station, potentially turning the crew against eachother and bullying command into blowing up the nuke. Preference slightly inflated due to role rarity.
  • Slaughter/laughter demon - Perfect killing machine on bloody rounds, and nearly unstoppable with proper management.
  • Changeling-traitor combo - Are you a terrifying abomination of flesh? Are you tired of needing ID cards to pass as human? I present to you: The chamelion kit - agent ID changeling, capable of DNA stinging anyone and completely impersonating them, as well as having access to some very nice toys.

B tier:

  • Vampire - Very powerful antagonist. If you manage to get a few assistants drained of their blood (surprisingly easy), you become very hard to catch, and your glare ability will stop security from cuffing you, which makes waiting for your escape abilities to recharge quite easy. You can become a true menace to the station, teleporting next to heads to steal their ID cards (and blood) and swiftly outmaneuvering security.
  • Devil - Controversial opinion here: Devil is quite good. If you do your best to RP and avoid jobs that will most likely bash your head in, you can have a great time gathering people's souls and watching the rest of the crew deal with your actions.
  • Nuclear Operative - Waging war on the crew is a great experience; Spreading plasmafires, shooting captains and slipping on the clown's PDA are very satisfying experiences, although, if you want to actually blow up the station, you do stealthops.
  • Xenos/terrors - Playing hivemind creatures is great, although your longevity depends on how long it takes for the robotacist to bring a durand to your nest. Dragging around facehuggers at the speed of sound and laying traps as a white spider is very satisfying.
  • Traitor - A great time; Planning out your assassination plans and then proceeding to blatantly emag your way into the target's office can be great fun, although you can be caught quite easaly by an observant AI or security.
  • Abductor - Very satisfying to capture most of the crew for your experiements, and to teleport into the bridge to sack most of the command staff in one fell swoop.

C tier:

  • Blob - Decent antag; You depend a lot on your starting location and how good your second core is. Taking over the station is a difficult process, and you'll have to fight tooth and nail for every tile you take. Good R&D and robotics can ruin your day big time, and stuff like miners creating recharging stations in their capsule shelters in space nearby drives some of the fun out of it.
  • Cult - Highly team based; A big challenge if your fellow cultists step away from the convert rune as you bring people in to 'give you personal space' or shoot everyone nearby with their shotgun upon getting converted. Can be very enjoyable with proper teamwork and crew incompetency.
  • Swarmers - Can be very strategic and annoying for the crew, and a large swarm will screw the station over, but they can't actually damage the crew themselves, and are quite easily countered by ion carbines.
  • Morph - Great for RP,  but pretty much dead once someone decides that you should be toolboxed
  • Reverant - Can be fun, but quite limited in power, and screwed if xenobio and genetics are attended and hostile.

D tier:

  • Changeling - Also quite controversial, but hear me out here - They have pretty good single combat capabilities, but once security locks onto them, they're pretty much screwed, as they have very limited area attacks, pretty much nonexistent mobility abilities and no stunning abilities. Turned off in my prefrances.
  • Revolutionary - The crew rising up against command is quite interesting, but the gamemode either gets snuffed out early or draws out for a long time with nothing really happening. I've had some very good rounds as command staff defending against the revs, but, again, the rounds get drawn out.
  • Vox raider - Only interesting for command and the antags; The midround traders have better equipment than these raiding 'traders', and the gamemode has a very repeditive cycle - vox arrive, try to trade. They trade for some stuff, but can't get something. They raid to get the thing, but one vox gets captured. The rest must then go back to rescue the one, and then get killed. Turned off in my prefrances.


  • Space ninja - never played it, so cannot give my opinion.
  • Nations - Admins can do it manually my ass. Rip in peace, good friend.

If you have any comments on this, or want to post a tier list of your own, feel free to post here.

Edited by Daylight
Added swarmers
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  • What is this ranking based on? How much fun you have playing as them? Or something else?
  • Does each tier have a specific meaning or is it just "more fun" v "less fun"?
  • I have to say I consider blob to be the most fun antag, because of how clearly strategic its gameplay is. I'm also surprised you put changeling in D tier, when its more powerful and arguably more flexible than traitor. The ability to revive from death alone is incredible.
  • I'm surprised you include super-rare antags like devils, revs, nations, etc but leave out some common ones like borers.
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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Kyet said:


  • What is this ranking based on? How much fun you have playing as them? Or something else?
  • Does each tier have a specific meaning or is it just "more fun" v "less fun"?
  • I have to say I consider blob to be the most fun antag, because of how clearly strategic its gameplay is. I'm also surprised you put changeling in D tier, when its more powerful and arguably more flexible than traitor. The ability to revive from death alone is incredible.
  • I'm surprised you include super-rare antags like devils, revs, nations, etc but leave out some common ones like borers.
  • The list is basically ranked by "If I had to play an antag, which antag would I rather roll?"
  • The tiers are completely arbitrary and are only there to provide some structure.
  • Blob can be fun, and definitely has a very unique play style, and, in some circumstances, I'd put it a few slots higher, but I'd still roll for A tier and top B tier rather than blob. As far as changeling: They can go louder than traitor, but I feel like a severely nerfed vampire with mute sting - for assassinate objectives, act like a vampire but with the addition of mute sting; Otherwise, kill someone to get their ID, impersonate them, and go get the theft item from their office (Which vampire can do better because they can just jaunt to the location instead of worrying about pesky things like doors). And as for the incredible ability of revival - once they die to security, they're still pretty dead. How big of a chance would you say you have of escaping security once they've managed to give you the dead condition and are dragging you towards the cremator? And it doesn't even work for clearing lavaland, as most of the mobs either disintigrate your body or turn you into a simple mob after death.
  • As I said, I try include all roundtype antags/midrounds in the list; As for Borers - I concider them more like the sentient animal event:  They can be asses if they want to be, but usually act beneficially for the crew, and thus not proper antags. I have to admit I missed swarmers on my list, and will edit them in.
Edited by Daylight
points for changeling being inferior
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28 minutes ago, Gaty said:

I would rathe them from less fun for the crew to the funniest for the crew.

Antags are meant to make the round interesting after all.

A tier list for most fun for the crew would get quite difficult after you tier the RP antags like devil and conversion antags like cult. Which one is more fun for the general crew, traitors or changelings?

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4 hours ago, Daylight said:

A tier list for most fun for the crew would get quite difficult after you tier the RP antags like devil and conversion antags like cult. Which one is more fun for the general crew, traitors or changelings?

Depends of how the antags interact with the crew

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