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It's come to my understanding that many hate the Nations gamemode for many issues. I'll present a handful of them, and possible changes to tackle said issues.


It's nations.


The simple fact that it's a game mode. It's not in the spirit of SS13. It's not in the spirit of players. Space law is completely void. Rules are hardly applicable, since there's many factors, confusing decisions. It's just not developed enough or thought-out enough to properly be a game mode.


The only "Fix" i could see to this issue? Removing the game mode from rotation. Doing so will force the administrators to change the game mode to that in the lobby if need-be, warning everyone, giving them time to just get out or observe before roundstart.


Everyone rushes/it's a deathmatch/Brigston too stronk


All of those issues center to a single aspect of nations. The flags. How to win nations? The flags. Gather them all. This will make people go irrational, forget all role play, forget the law, forget any kind of anything preset in any other game modes that prevent them from immediately going anarchy.


Remove the flags. Let nations be an extended round with a major twist. Departments apply space law to their departments. Territories have to be negotiated. Treaties have to be made. rules can fully apply, as it's deemed extended. Everyone's happy. People can play without anarchy!


Brigston too stronk!/Telesci too powerful!/NERF CHEMISTRY!


Certain departments, especially security, have gear and access that makes this game mode somewhat unfair for the lesser-knowing player. People just don't wish, or don't know, how to tackle said issues.


Now, there's no clear fix to this. Really. Sure, someone could spend an awful lot of time making access and items nerfed or equalized for this game mode. But it would be much more tedious than easier "Fixes" That could be applied to this specific game mode.


What are your thoughts? How should nations be handled?


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I think a good idea would be to have the Captain, a Blueshield with all access and an ERT that spawns at the round start be there to be impartial and attempt to uphold space law, but they'd need to use the brig and possibly chemistry (if they run out of lethal injections), unless it would be vigilante style space law.

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Posted (edited)

To inform you, I have complete control over what/where nations is going. However, I am still getting to grips with a lot of byond and it's nuances. Whilst suggestions are great, implementation difficulty is a major part of this. I'm not going to give away my plans, but feel free to discuss and suggest things.

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Thanks Bone.


Now. I believe that the best solution for nations it to give an optional crew victory condition. Like building a escape shuttle wich would need cooperation from all departments (cargo gets the resources. Science the computer boards and maybe the special ground/wall reinforcement, Engineering builds it and it's too big to be built in the station so they'd have to space walk. Medical department keeps everyone healthy an alive and security keeps would be saboteurs in check)


This way we have two options. A cost expensive solution that takes a while as you trust the other nations not to try to eff you over OR go for the flags and look out for number 1


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We could remove all flags tough and leave it up to the admins to declare the winner, depending on how they will rule, after they either murdered off the enemy alliance(s) or united under a single ruler or council. Seriously ,just remove the flags and leave it up to the admins.

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I definitely agree with the idea that flags should not be a thing. If the whole idea of it is to be kept, something more akin to a "capture point" or "king of the hill" system with each nation having one or more points to capture would solve some of the issues with flags, although it would introduce other problems. Alternatively, the idea that admins could declare a winner also makes a fair bit of sense, although judging which nation "wins" may be a bit arbitrary.


There doesn't seem to be an obvious way to implement this game mode that would discourage the random murdering and zerg rushes that happen in the current iteration of it.


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First thing I want to implement - war declaration. Can't capture flags without being at war, you can only declare war against one nation at a time, but multiple can declare against you.


Second thing, shared radio channels, one for each nation, shared when takeover occurs.


Third thing, a guilt debuff (like shock) for people who use lethals instead of incapacitation.


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  Bone White said:
First thing I want to implement - war declaration. Can't capture flags without being at war, you can only declare war against one nation at a time, but multiple can declare against you.


Second thing, shared radio channels, one for each nation, shared when takeover occurs.


Third thing, a guilt debuff (like shock) for people who use lethals instead of incapacitation.





War Declaration : Whom exactly will be able to declare war? Will it be the head of the nation? Will it be by a vote of the nation?


Shared radio channels : That's interesting. Intrigued to see how that'll work with Tcomms.


Guilt Debuff : By lethals, i guess this will include any kind of harm? Also, this brings me to a point. How about a scoring system at the end of round. Of course, the nation with all flags win. Or maybe this could be a change to that. The more the lethal takeovers, the more deaths caused by people of your nation, the less the points maybe? A whole system could be thought out of this!


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