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Posted (edited)

It's quite inconvenient to transmit OOC messages as a team antag. You either use ((double brackets)) over comms, which admins made a fuss about a few years ago, or use LOOC, which often dosn't catch everyone. Could also be used to communicate event antag stuff, for example to relay behavior guidlines to other team members, or to ask for clarification from admins in a forum in which all the antags can see. If this gets abused, I'm sure other antags will report it, and admins can always keep an eye on it.

Another option would be to give admins a 'toggle AOOC' button, which would allow antags to ooc communicate, or to enable AOOC for everyone when an admin first uses it.

A related suggestion would be to give ghosts the ability to hear AOOC, if the admins really are worried about people abusing it, as ghosts have little to no incentive not to ahelp abuse of metacomms, and it would give them a greater ability to observe the antags.

Edited by Daylight
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