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NT Recruitment Office, Escape Emergency Storage and Dorms.


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Ok, I know that both of these areas are W.I.P so these may not work:



The current area:





Of the NT Recruitment office is rather boring and does not use the area well, plus the lower Customs office is almost completely useless.

If the NT office gets moved up to where the lower customs office is, it will be much easier for any civvies to get processed. (or even find the damn thing)


Now, to use the space left behind we could give cargo a small store to sell items and a tiny common room/dorms for civilians.


Something a bit like this:




(Just a general representation of the look I mean, it won't be that big!)




If there isn't enough room in that space you could move the wall over two spaces into the little area with crate markings.




Now, a major problem with toxins is that it:


A-"spontaneously" combustion every. damn. round. Dumbass nerds.

B-clogs the waste loop (and atmos itself if it isn't setup) to high hell. Pretty much wrecking everything every.


So, there's a simple enough fix for this.

Replace the useless RnD staff room with a larger escape emergency storage and a small atmos cooling room.

The emergency storage could look something like this:




It needs to be well lit and open, otherwise it will not get used. And it needs plenty of tools, fire gear and maybe a fire medkit.


Just below that should be a little atmos room with a few coolers and some canister ports.

Like this:



Scuse the terrible drawing and the wrong pipe colour, the blue pipe should be red.

Yellow is the atmos doors, black is just the walls and the white things are coolers.


Divert toxins atmos so it all leads into this little room before joining the other waste lines. Now, the coolers wouldn't start on so competent atmos techs would have to run over, divert the gas into the coolers and turn em on. If the pipe still gets clogged you could use the canisters ports to relive some of the pressure.


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What if their spawn point was moved to arrivals? Gives the rare custom officer a use/its much easier for NT officers to do their jobs. Plus it might help stop the rampant looting.

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