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Complaint against Trial Admin Meow19 for abuse


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Admin(s) Key: Meow19
Your ckey (Byond username): Ekaterina von Russland
Your Discord name (if applicable): Not applicable
Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred): Approximately 19h20 London time
Round ID 27767

Nature of complaint: Abuse of powers

Links to all relevant ban appeals for any bans related to this complaint: No ban appeal

Brief description: Trial Admin Meow19 went on a power trip, was rude to me and banned me

Full description of events: This was my first shift on this server (barring catching the last 10 min of the previous one), which I was trying out. As I was going about my business, I said "lol" forgetting it wasn't allowed, and got a PM from this trial admin, rightfully informing me that I wasn't allowed to use said expression. Nothing wrong so far. I read the message and moved on.

He then proceeded to make annoying windows pop up on my screen not once, not twice but THREE TIMES even after I closed them (which I, at the time, attributed to a software error, but now realise was likely done by him), and, not satisfied with annoying me like this, he proceeded to freeze and damage my character. I had no idea why I was being targeted like this, I hadn't offended anyone.
After all this, he sent me a message mocking me saying "i suggest we talk". I asked what it is he wanted to talk about, and informed him I would be filing a staff report for his admin abuse (which, as you can see, I am doing).
He then stated that he was expecting a reply. I asked him why he was so overzealous, and informed him it was a slip-up.

He then proceeded to threaten me with a "ban without warning", and mocked me again saying "its pretty hard to get banned on paradise".
Lastly, he said "If something appears on your screen 3 times and its a text message, the most logical thing to do would be answering it, don't you think?" In reality, if the same thing appears on my thing 3 times, especially software which I haven't used before, I just assume it's a bug, as I think anyone else would.
As he asked me what I think, I replied "No, I don't. The message just said something wasn't allowed. I acknowledged it and moved on.", later adding "If it were a question, then answering would be important, but it wasn't", both of which are true.
He did not reply any further. I assumed that was the end of it, and either he'd now agreed that replying non-questions is not always necessary or was going making a point about how I was expecting a reply (which I wasn't: as I stated, I assumed that was the end of it)
I resumed playing as normal, and, out of nowhere, I got the message that I had been banned, yet more evidence of his abuse. I have no idea why he chose to target me for his power trip, maybe he figured since it was my first time on the server I wouldn't bother to file a complaint, but here I am.

As for a ban appeal, I have no intention of coming back after such a horrible first time experience (thanks to him) and therefore have not made one.

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Hi there,

If you think having a window forced open so you can respond to a warning is abuse, then I am absolutely baffled at your definition of abuse. You were frozen until a reply showing you'd acknowledged the warning was given. No harm was done here, all you had to do was reply "Sorry, won't happen again" or the like, and it'd all be over and you'd be back to playing.

Plenty of people slip up and accidentally use net speak. 99% of them are able to give a polite acknowledgement of the warning. You're the 1% who carry on like a pork chop, and act as if you're some victim of 'abuse' here.You're absolutely not. Meow was very polite in the PMs - Here's the 'threat' of a ban without warning:



"i have absolutely 0 problems with you using it once, it's that i need you to be aware that it's not allowed on the server and in future, closing pm windows with an admin might result in a ban without warning"


Mind you, I'd say being PM'd then having a window to reply opened repeatedly is quite some warning.

Instead of reply say, "No problem, I'll reply in future.". You instead chose to reply:


..???? The hell else am I supposed to do after I read a message other than close the window?

Clearly 'reply to the message' never occurred to you, although it does occur to a staggeringly vast majority of people here. This does not mean Meow was 'abusive' at all.


Complaint is without merit, petulant, and resolved. I advise you show some base politeness to admins in future. 

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