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So, it's no secret that Wizard rounds are often very short and sweet. Be it from a rookie wizard making an error, a crewmember with a plasmacutter mech removing the wizard's heart, a crewmember with a spear insta-critting the wizard... 

I propose that the death of the wizard does not end the round - much like Nukies, who can all die and the round continues.

If the wizard has caused enough havoc for a shuttle call, then it can end with a minor/major victory for the wizard or the crew.

For example:
Major crew: Wizard defeated, >X% of crew alive/escaped
Minor Crew: Wizard alive, >X% of crew alive/escaped
Minor Wizard: Wizard dead, <X% of crew alive/escaped
Major Wizard: Wizard alive, <X% of crew alive/escaped.

This is not set in stone, and could of course be varied to prevent it being pure murderbone.

I also propose that the death of the wizard early in the round - be it a rookie mistake or lucky crew kill - means that the round continues, with the midround antags taking over. Wiztended, if you will.
Perhaps the midrounds could even be increased in number/frequency if wizalivestatus=0.

Basically, Wizard rounds are very black and white. Either they're a robust wizard and cause utter havoc, or they die super fast.
This suggestion aims to make that far more grey. Or, Grey.

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