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unreasonable way to deal with rulebreaking [abydos2]

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Wow, another admin complain. Fun. already said i was going to make one before my appeal was denied, so no this is not a rule 2 or 3 in guide-to-admin-complaints, and no, it was not addressed in the appeal.

Admin Key: abydos2
Your ckey: serxule 

Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred): 2022-11-15 15:59:40

ROUND ID: 33514 

Nature of complaint: misconduct

Links to all relevant ban appeals for any bans related to this complaint: 

Brief description (tl;dr here. Just the critical elements): abydos2 decided that instead of bwoinking me and telling me to not order guns/armor as cargo, they would deal with it only in IC through announcements and such
+ in (abydos2) denying my appeal, they only took snippets of what i had said ingame (some of which were mashed up), instead of full conversations leaving no context for what i said.

Full description of events: not here to talk about what happened all round, but abydos2 decided that instead of actually bwoinking me telling me to stop when it originally started with me opening said armor and gun crate*, to just use announcements and IC means to "stop" me, ending up in distracting the crew and security aswell as ending in a gunfight with the ert, likely a timespan of 40minutes from start -> end. And in the deny of my appeal, like i said, they only put snippets of what i said, or mashed up snippets, leaving out full conversations so there's no context for what was said, which is almost always done to try and make someone sound/look worse than they are (hell there's so much real-life examples of this)
                                                                                                                                                                                                 *check appeal/ban reason

like i said in the appeal, this is an absolutely terrible way to handle something that only needs a simple bwoink that would have prevented any of this from ever happening, an admin should not try and "weasel" per-say someone into being arrested IC when its something thats an ooc rulebreak.

  • derp 1
Posted (edited)

From both your appeal, and from this, it is clear you haven't read the rules.. and have no intention of ever reading the rules on any server. 

Lets take a look at your history;

First, you were banned from Bee station for abusing AA that you got from a devil deal, to constantly recall the shuttle. Despite an admin telling you, you were breaking the rules and self-antagging, you told them "I don't see how thats self-antagging".

Followed by two other bans, of posting CBT erotic copypastas, both between an hour of each other.


Following that you decided to go to TG station, where you were also banned from their discord following you deciding to call every staff member and anyone who is against you, a pedophile, and then hide behind "I was joking". I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they also banned you from the server for such.


Next was your time on Fulp, which ended with you deciding "I'm gonna do a little trolling" and max-capped the bridge, then disconnected.

And now here. First thing you did was break into the vault as an engineer, to crack the safe and steal the documents, all as a non-antag. You were basically stealing an antag objective.

You were banned from the discord, when you got into an argument on coding chat and wouldn't stop arguing / take no for an answer. And then proceed to make an AC that everyone but you is wrong.

You were offensive to other players, calling them cunts and other such things, for practically.. doing absolutely nothing to you.

During an event, you max-cap suicided and told the admin who had to speak with you "I don't see why its a big deal."

And then the QM situation, where you purposely armed up your whole department, held the entire station hostage of "I'll kill you if you do anything, and if you don't let us do what we want, you get nothing", and then attempting to lethally kill a non-lethal team sent to deal with you.. so Security can actually deal with the proper antags. That apparently, again.. only you are in the right, everyone else is in the wrong.

This is honestly a repeated history of "I'm going to see how far I can push the line" and the moment anyone pushes back, telling you, you cannot do this... they are in the wrong, you are in the right, nothing you do is wrong. You've shown this in your previous complaint, you've show this in your appeal, you've shown this in the other server situations and now this one. There is honestly no way of getting anything through to you, if every single other person is 100% wrong, and you are 100% right.. even when you know you are wrong, which you can never seem to accept. This is also why I'd like a vouch from another server, due to this repeated behaviour / history.

I've got nothing else to add on the matter, and everything else has already been cleared within the appeal itself.


Edited by Abydos
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

beestation bans: those were two years ago. and no, that was not posting it twice in 1 hour, as the first was an OOC ban so i wouldnt have even been able to post it twice, said trialmin had permbanned me in the middle of the round for it after it happened (i posted it in ooc before the round even started).

tg discord ban: 1. why does a discord ban even relate? 2. it literally was a joke, read the context.

fulp: i dont even remember that at all, i've played on fulp once, maybe twice, the last time i played i have a video on

other AC: read the context

"you were offensive to other players, calling them cunts and other such things, for practically.. doing absolutely nothing to you. During an event, you max-cap suicided and told the admin who had to speak with you "I don't see why its a big deal."":
i genuinely have no idea what this is referencing unless it was again, something from years ago

you're still going past what this admin complaint is about, its not about the ban, its not about the rules broken, its about how you dealt with it, thats the problem i have.

Edited by Serxule
i removed a z
  • clown 3
  • honk 1

Simply to include all the relevant information, I’ll be adding a few bits of information.

One, I was the one who sent the IC response to (yet another) Cargonia moment. You had, at the time, ordered guns and SWAT gear for no other reason than to “defend Cargo”. This is a playstyle that lost its comedy about 7 years ago. Given it was a lowpop round with Security busy dealing with a HoP Vampire and his now-AA-wielding friends, we decided to deal with the IC issue of Cargo arming itself with a CC-sent Team as to not interrupt every other players’ immersion in the round by wordlessly smiting you.

Two, you had absolutely zero reason to shoot members of Central Command for coming to demote/disarm you and your Cargo Techs. They asked you to come with them for demotion, and to lay down your weapons. You very well could have dropped the guns, seen what you were doing as something problematic, and walked away demoted and with nothing more than a small note about being overzealous about “defending Cargo”. But instead, you chose to self-antag and shoot Central-sent Officers to near death. Imagine if you had done this to normal Security Officers? You cannot with any semblance of good faith tell me this would be acceptable either by our Rules or any semblance of logical RP that we allow on this server.

Three, IC action and OOC punishment are not mutually exclusive. We are fully allowed to deal with issues hand-in-hand. Having IC actions taken against you does NOT give our approval for your actions. There was no ahelp to ask if you could completely ignore the Chain of Command nor did you have a justifiable reason to do so. Instead, you sit here attempting to dictate how us as Admins are allowed to do our jobs when you yourself show zero knowledge of even our simplest of Rules.


Given your history both on our server and others over the years, I can only really agree with Abydos’s take that you simply do not care to follow the Rules on the servers you join. Had Aby not been in the round, I would have done exactly the same as they had and banned you afterwards as well. Given three (four perhaps, I don’t recall if Samm was on at the time still) GAs agreed that a ban was justified at the time only cements the idea that we believed you to be a detriment to the server overall.

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  • Thanks 1

thank you for being reasonable and unbiased and explaining it fully, i dont have anything to say other than you're right. Still, with admins that act like abydos2 (ignoring what happened ingame, im referring to how they were cherrypicking chatlogs in the appeal denial instead of giving full context, along with seemingly ignoring what i had said, and assuming/lying about things i had said or done that i previously already explained), i would rather not be in this community anyhow.


I would like to note that your throw-away attitude toward Abydos (who’s takes I both fully support and agree with) doesn’t exactly paint the best light over your intentions for this AC.

They did not ignore what you said, they provided the evidence we as three GAs and a TA had used while discussing your removal from the server. You have a poor attitude both in our Community as well as others in the past few years, to the point where contributors, other Staff, and general players had complained. This culminated in you being removed from our Discord and then proceeding to break multiple server Rules and getting banned from the game server as well.

Instead of going on some Abydos-is-a-shitmin crusade, perhaps notice how I had stated exactly what Abydos had said in your appeal (albeit more concisely since I’m not re-diving for logs that he had already pulled) and you seemingly having zero issues at all with them. Had the roles been reversed, you would have been given the exact same punishment and had your appeal denied from myself instead of Abydos. 

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

yes thats what im talking about, im aware you said the same thing but it was explained reasonably and explained well, instead of being multiple parts with their own personal comments, there likely wouldnt have ever been a problem if they acted the/a same/similar way you replied here

Edited by Serxule

I think the others have said it pretty well, but I'll also add that an admin also dealing with situations ICly does not make your actions OOCly ok. Sometimes both are needed to be done, and a direct order from CC is often done as an IC way to tell people it's not on. Not obeying direct orders from CC - especially when it comes to arming yourself up and shooting at them - is mutiny. Mutiny and murder are both not ok for non-antags to do. Reading the rules should make this very clear.

There wouldn't have been a problem if you'd done this and followed them.

Complaint without merit and resolved.

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