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Looking for forum help...


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Hi all. I'm trying to set up a forum for a Joint Operations (old FPS game) community. We are using the SE_Gamer_Dark skin (as are you) and I'm primarily looking for compatible mod's to implement a chatbox and medal system.


I'm new to forum code and have spent a lot of time chasing my tail, trying to find downloads for a minichat box, medals and a 'soft delete' administrative function (most mod's appear to be written for prosilver, which has differences in the file names/code to those used for SE_Gamer_Dark). Having stumbled across your forum and seen your chatbox (and medals once logged in), I was hoping one of your admins (ZomgPonies perhaps) would be willing to help and point me in the right direction, e.g. for download of suitable code/files, instructions etc.


Our website is [here] should you wish to verify our current set up (no recruitment intended). I would have sent a PM to a few admins, rather than posting in your forum like this, but it seems I need to post a few times before I can do that.


Thanks for your consideration.


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uhm, I suggest you just search through the PhpBB3 forum for compatible mods, that along with Automod helpes me a lot when installing the mods, without having to go through the pain of manually doing it

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I have been trawling through there...and will continue to do so. I just wondered if somebody here recalled the name and/or version numbers of the patches (minichat and medals) that you have installed here as it would help to focus my search. Cheers.

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mChat i am a little unsure about because I was not the one who installed it, all I know is that it was a pain in the ass to install.


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