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Admin ckey: Kluys


Complaint: I've had a few run-ins with Kluys. Most of the time I feel I am being persecuted by him because I feel that he has tried to pull at straws in an attempt to add another ban to the list, as if that is some sort of achievement for him, but he had failed until now, so I feel like I should give the people that run the place some feedback about him.


I got banned for four days because I got into telecomms and took a voidsuit to survive the horrors of deep space and breaking a few APC's to keep me in a dark shroud. I don't really see why an admin has to intervene in a matter like this? Leave it to the security team. Once again Kluys seems to nitpick, trying to add another one to the list. I very much doubt that it is commonplace here to get bwoinked because you sabotage an APC to keep the heat off your back.


In the ban message he writes "griefing up a large portion of apc's only so he wasn't seen breaking into tcoms to steal a voidsuit as a non antag, (most of the apc's werent anywhere near the teleporter seeing how every apc he could reach as a scientist inbetween the libary and up too the southern central hallwas was broken then he proceeded to compare everything he did with breaking through one door. I suggest you learn the rules next time you come back".


So, from what I can gather out of this, if there's a malfunctional AI and you're opening doors that you are not meant to have access to, you are griefing. If you snip the power link of a camera, you are griefing. If you hack an APC, you are griefing - because you are not an antag.

Do note that he is also greatly overexaggarating the amount of APC's that I disabled. It was maybe 3-4 of them in total that didn't really cover a high activity area.

Break into telecomms and take a void suit? Griefing. Thank you for your wisdom, kluys. I'll make sure to not take a NASA voidsuit for more agility next time there's a blob and I have to set up an emitter satellite to rain down hell upon it.


In another event he verbally assaulted me, insinuating that I am murderboning when in fact I disposed off a research director so I could get his jumpsuit,which my fellow antagonist needed. I was supposed to protect with the other antag, and me being a scientist thought it'd be much easier if I did the dirty deed, and I pulled it off perfectly, with the exception that kluys harassed me. In this case, Kluys did not have the detective skills or didn't care to investigate which objectives I had to justify me doing what I had to do to help my traitor buddy.


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Your ban was placed on my command, i indicated Kluys on this one, so if you want to make a complaint, it would have to be directed against me. And this should be discussed on your unban appeal, but well, let's explain it:


If you just hacked into the teleporter, used it to get to the comms to take a NASA void suit, i wouldnt mind that much. But you also cut all the APCs in the CENTRAL HALLWAYS from science to the telerpoter, disabling all power there, and trapping few people. That's some kind of major-ish sabotage, and well, the reason: you wanted to be stealthy..... but that's not really stealthy at all. If you just disabled the lights on the APCs without totally cutting them then i wouldnt mind either, but you disabled all systems including atmos and airlocks, again on the CENTRAL HALLWAYS. So yeah you pretty much sabotaged the power at one of the highest activity areas for a very poor reason.


And leave it to security you say..... if admins allowed to do minor or major sabotages around the station to non-antags, then we would have anarchy every round we have a population above 40 people.




As said by adr, the decision was his.

But to add too this myself for completion.


"So, from what I can gather out of this, if there's a malfunctional AI and you're opening doors that you are not meant to have access to, you are griefing. If you snip the power link of a camera, you are griefing. If you hack an APC, you are griefing - because you are not an antag.

Do note that he is also greatly overexaggarating the amount of APC's that I disabled. It was maybe 3-4 of them in total that didn't really cover a high activity area.

Break into telecomms and take a void suit? Griefing. Thank you for your wisdom, kluys. I'll make sure to not take a NASA voidsuit for more agility next time there's a blob and I have to set up an emitter satellite to rain down hell upon it."


These situations you mentioned could all be considered legitimate. Thing is that there was no blob, there was no rogue AI, and you cut power too large portions of central hallway.


Another thing about the "I am being persecuted by him" I noticed large portions of the station withouth power and proceeded to use view variables to see who disabled them. It could have been any person.


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