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Make command required to wear departmental attire

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Security is required by SOP to wear their department attire whether that is headgear, armor, or a uniform so they are identifiable by a glance. This is pretty heavily enforced by players and has been since introduced so why not do the same for command? They should be just as recognizable as security due to their importance on station. Admin(s) already say that changing job titles as command is frowned upon(I can find this as a source if needed). 

Just saying that standards like this should also be applied to command as well. No more greytide captains, no more casual HoS, no more QM(remove)


P.S: I personally as command try to make my staff wear their department clothing so I can identify them as staff and not random trespassers 

Edited by Crazyhair
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Welp, I guess I can't walk in as the HOP with the cool syndicate drip I found (I took it from maintenance during code red).

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You could also add a line in the SOP against command members giving out their drip to others as well (e.g. a CMO giving out their labcoat to a doctor). This adds more confusion and it's just not necessary. 

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But why would a RD or HoP or QM or even CMO ever be forced to wear special clothing if they already have ID. Jobs like HoS, Captain, magi and so on make sense as you are playing a role that is part of security or NTR wearing their NTR apearal but a HoP being forced to wear HoP clothes is in my opinion unrealistic and unfun


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14 minutes ago, sirius said:

But why would a RD or HoP or QM or even CMO ever be forced to wear special clothing if they already have ID. Jobs like HoS, Captain, magi and so on make sense as you are playing a role that is part of security or NTR wearing their NTR apearal but a HoP being forced to wear HoP clothes is in my opinion unrealistic and unfun


Mostly because command roles including dignitaries are held to the highest IC standard, also, my proposal was akin to security; only needing to wear a single piece of gear that makes you easily identifiable as your role. Being recognizable as station management is not unrealistic in my opinion. In the real world, you can usually tell who the boss is in a corporate setting.

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This is one of the weird things about being in the MRP stream that we are, with the mix of L and HRP.

We don't wanna be full milsim HRP, but at the same time we want people to be professional. Captains in clown outfits are too LRP for us, and mandatory uniform inspections for all crew is too HRP.

A focus on being identifiable is good - but we do also want people to RP and express their characters personalities, and doing that with drip is great. A Captain who wears a cowboy hat is way more memorable than generic uniforms.

Additionally for RP atmosphere, the feel of a 'professional' command staff is important, and any military outfit has strict standards on these. I don't want a list of allowed haircuts, otoh.

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