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Name Review Request


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Posted (edited)

Byond Key: Chunagado

IC Name for Review: Wong

Race: Vox

Gender: Male

Is this a Mime or Clown Job Name? No

Reason/Backstory: Born Kotochikiyaki, turned into a Deviant Vox trying to escape the structure he disliked. After fleeing their arkship, found himself working in an asian restaurant, grabbing the name "Wong" to hide its own, making it better for blending in on a Yangyu language based place and, more than anything else, as a symbol of someone new outside of what he felt like an oppressive world.

(I'm writing this after getting messaged by admins in game about this name, I spoke to an admin in game but I still got asked about it so I think it's better to ask for review in here)

edit: a possible change that could make it "better" if necessary was to change the name to Yaoguai and the story reason being the name he was called by locals for being an alien, different creature

Edited by Chunagado
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Hi there. We have turned down vox names in the past with human names, and although you do have a backstory to go with it, we generally prefer vox to have names in the 2 vox naming schemes, such as the more common vox naming style, ex( Kotokikiya (Koto-Kiki-Ya)), or the rarer but also valid naming style provided in the wiki  of (Vicious-Darting-Minnow. 'Vicious' is the formative physical or mental feature, 'Darting' is the prefix of the clan name aboard the ark, and 'Minnow' is the modifier sound)

If you could create something more of a hybrid of a vox and Yangyu language name, that may work out better. Wong or Yaoguai isn't quite it, however



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Thank you for the response, I understand where you are coming from, even more cause it makes the Vox players with vox names be more common and it gives identity to the species, I'll keep him as Kotochikiyaki for and I will probably try to meddle with vox and yangyu names sometime in the future

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