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Name Review


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I wish to have 2 unusual names allowed.


Reason: D'Angelo is my name for every game, it is my real life name and it is incredibly common in real life for people to be known as just D'Angelo with no surname. think of it as a shortening of a first name and last name into one. I have had this name on the server for 6 months now, and never received a complaint until now and I believe the reason for that is so many people already think its a viable name due to the apostrophe.


This one is much less important, but I would like to try doing a funny assistant roleplay as a caveman, with the lore that he hid on the space shuttle after a mining trip and snuck on board. It's harmless, Its fun but it isn't as funny without it being a one word name, as the typical trope for caveman skits is to have a simple one-sound name like "grug" or "urghh" like in the croods for example. This character wont be used often, its just a funny persona like Ol Mama Honk or my train conductor character

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Byond Key: Platedd

IC Name for Review: D'angelo

Race: varies, human or machine

Gender: male

Is this a Mime or Clown Job Name? no

Reason/Backstory: D'Angelo is my name for every game, it is my real life name and it is incredibly common in real life for people to be known as just D'Angelo with no surname. think of it as a shortening of a first name and last name into one. I have had this name on the server for 6 months now, and never received a complaint until now and I believe the reason for that is so many people already think its a viable name due to the apostrophe


Byond Key: Platedd

IC Name for Review: Grug

Race: Human

Gender: male

Is this a Mime or Clown Job Name? no

Reason/Backstory: This one is much less important, but I would like to try doing a funny assistant roleplay as a caveman, with the lore that he hid on the space shuttle after a mining trip and snuck on board. It's harmless, Its fun but it isn't as funny without it being a one word name, as the typical trope for caveman skits is to have a simple one-sound name like "grug" or "urghh" like in the croods for example. This character wont be used often, its just a funny persona like Ol Mama Honk or my train conductor character

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Update: Additional lore privileges for Grug:

After discussion with an admin, I would like to add to my appeal the ability for Grug to be a security officer. This would require a slightly different lore which makes it suitable that CC would hire a caveman-acting man.

Lore: James Philips was a respectable and decorated detective, known for his abilities to track down syndicates within 5 minutes of a murder. One day in celebration of his promotion, he decided to let his guard down. It was on this day that a syndie dressed as another sec officer shot him in the head. He has recovered for the most part health wise, but something happened to his brain. The once respectable gentlemen changed in his behaviour to a more native, caveman like creature. It was debated for months over what would happen to him, but it was while they were deciding that an attack on medbay happened. Security tried to find the culprit, but to no avail. It was only when James (who now refers to himself as "Grug") was able to track him, just as quick as he used to. CC was not happy with his new personality, nor the new attire he insisted on wearing, but he was such a valuable asset even after the injury that they kept him on the team, with the deal that if Nanostren came for inspection they would demote him for the day to not arouse suspision.

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hello there I will be breaking this up into two sections to keep it easier to reference both name in separate sections, the first section referring to "D'angelo" and the second one will be referring to "Grug". 


Admins are not all omnipotent beings and sometimes things slip through the cracks like you playing a human with no surname for three months, human characters are expected to have a surname unless some appropriate reason for not having one can be articulated. You can use D'angelo as a first name or a surname but you will require a second name to fill in for the missing first or surname. 

For your second name review here, the name Grug is incredibly LRP and is typically used in shitposts or jokes between people in various communities. It's not appropriate for someone that would be hired to work for a megacorporation in the future aboard a research station. The reason of they were shot in the head and not act like this isn't believable when in game there's various ways people can be treated for what normally are permanent conditions IRL like brain damage. Having a person acting like a caveman onboard a space station far into the future is incredibly weird, you're gonna have to play a different character.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No additional responses since my last message going to assume you have no further questions or concerns and will file it as closed now.

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