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Complaint towards komrad822


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Admin(s) Key: komrad822
Your ckey (Byond username): Grandalff
Your Discord name (if applicable):

Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred): wide range, currently 18:30 or so, 224-07-30

ROUND ID: 41265

Nature of complaint: other
(Select all that apply: EG - clarification required, misapplication of rules, misconduct, abuse of powers, feedback, other)
Links to all relevant ban appeals for any bans related to this complaint: N/A

Brief description (tl;dr here. Just the critical elements): Komrad has constantly been iffy, not fit for being an admin in my OPINION.

Full description of events: During a cling round, I came to NTR to fax CC a request so I, a cling, could earn an official working contract. After some minutes without any response I didnt know if admins read or saw it, so I ahelped: Screenshot2024-07-30202255.png.ee190153253c681cbbc669620ec4ec44.png
Komrad almost instantly anwsered by telling me not to do that, even though I did it commonly and no admins had issues with it.

Some time after, CC sent a termination order for me and I fucked off to space. I found a ruin, and with an armblade out, readapted. This made me unable to drop my armblade and I spent all of my points already, so I ahelped, seeing as this was CLEARLY an oversight and/or bug.
Komrad took the ticket and basically told me it was an intentional mechanic, ignored it may have been an oversight and didnt help me at all. In the past, komrad has also been kind of........ uncooperative (?) or behavior id describe as stingy or dickish.Screenshot2024-07-17232035.png.54ce34dd75f723e211cbc553561f401e.png

I honestly after all of this feel like komrad would be a less than good fit as a game admin, besides rules moderation.

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forgot to add this as a reason to why I ahelp with no response after some timeScreenshot2024-07-30220046.thumb.png.c15ba0829d663bff5a23082339aa8670.png

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hello there I will be handling this admin complaint, to set a ground understanding TAs cannot handle faxes as they lack the require permissions to do so. TAs primarily deal with handling basic game functions such as removing antags, offering up bodies for them and the applying of rules/policies. A GA handled the fax itself, specifically leanfrog but that's not really the reason for the admin complaint as far as I can tell. So getting into the complaint here faxes are not the highest priority and sometimes get forgotten so yes tossing an ahelp for a fax that might be important or interesting is fine as long as it's not spamming ahelps requesting one be looked at, so you're good there with the attention but please try to make the ahelp reasonable with the request to look at a fax. Admins are also not expected to answer every fax especially if it's something that is an obvious answer or poorly done. 

As for the changling ability being stuck on you after readapting that's one of those scenarios where it's on you for not having paid attention before doing so, it's just user error at that point as at this moment in time that's not considered a bug or an oversight. While there is some talks about that specific scenario not being intentional there are times where people attempt to use mindswap to frame others for looking like a changeling but there's no direct calls for it to be fixed at this moment in time. Admins are not required to remedy problems that players cause to themselves in cases where it's their own fault and falls under In Character Issues, this excludes issues where someone is set back due to game code breaking. As for them being "uncooperative" you'd have to include what you'd consider such additionally when you made the AC or sent to a headmin to be reviewed as such especially if such things were happening during their TA phase.

As for the last part here with the final two images you posted, that kind of response from an Admin wouldn't be acceptable especially not from a Trial Admin. That will be addressed directly with them. Staff has a general expectation to be civil when interacting with people as long as they are remaining civil in turn, I see no logs of where you weren't at minimum civil with admins in game with PMs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

a little over two weeks since last reply moving considering this as resolved in that case and filling as such

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