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Formal Complaint Against Admin Komrad822


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Admin(s) Key: Komrad822
Your ckey (Byond username): jryazz
Your Discord name (if applicable): Chungi

Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred): 8/11/2024

ROUND ID: 41415

Nature of complaint: abuse of powers, unprofessional conduct
(Select all that apply: EG - clarification required, misapplication of rules, misconduct, abuse of powers, feedback, other)
Links to all relevant ban appeals for any bans related to this complaint:

Brief description (tl;dr here. Just the critical elements):
I’m filing a formal complaint against admin Komrad822 due to their unfriendly, dismissive, condescending tone, misuse of authority, and unprofessional conduct. During my recent interaction, they responded to my gameplay question with a condescending comment and later dismissed my ban appeal by falsely accusing it of being AI-generated. Despite this being my first-ever ban, they escalated it to a full permanent ban, which I believe is an abuse of power. I’m concerned that their behavior violates the server’s rules and shows an extremely unprofessional attitude.

Full description of events:

I would like to file a formal complaint regarding the conduct of the admin Komrad822 based on my recent interactions with them, and behavior I have observed in their interactions with others. While I acknowledge and accept the ban I received for not adhering to a ruling, I am deeply concerned about Komrad822's behavior as an admin, which I believe violates the community’s standards and rules.

1. Unfriendly and Dismissive Tone:

Throughout my interaction with Komrad822, their tone was consistently unfriendly and dismissive. When I asked if I could breach into the bridge to retrieve the captain’s laser gun, thinking it might have been on the Captain, they responded with,


"Why don't you use your x-ray vision to see that it's in the display case?"

Although I do not have the exact quote or a screenshot, their response came across as snarky and condescending, implying that I was incompetent for not knowing the gun’s location. This is not an isolated incident, as there have been multiple complaints against Komrad822 for similar behavior. Such conduct violates Rule 4, which requires players to maintain a respectful environment and not put down or invalidate other players. It also shows a considerable lack of professionalism on their part.

Additional statements and quotes noting their behavior:


"Since the ONLY reason you were doing this was because the botanist asked you to kill their target, why not do that first? Antagonizing security into a fight by literally taking the front door into brigg waving around a chainsaw isnt really responsible y'know? Just keep these points in mind when you next antag." - Komrad822, June 25 in this ban appeal.


"(Komrad) then proceeded to go on what I cannot describe as anything other than a rant of dominance asserting snarky rhetorical inquiring of the "well? are you a sec officer?" type and accusations of "validhunting". The exchanged ultimately end in my ban under the simple premise of “not understanding what I did wrong" when the only wrongdoing was a gross oversimplification of the events and an unreasonably abusive usage of their powers despite the lack of any real rule infringement grounds or other excuse whatsoever." - Statement from this complaint.


"In the past, komrad has also been kind of........ uncooperative (?) or behavior id describe as stingy or dickish." - Statement from this complaint, with a screenshot that was acknowledged as unacceptable behavior

2. Dismissal of My Ban Appeal (Violation of Professional Conduct and Fairness):

When I submitted my ban appeal, I took considerable time to ensure it was well-written and properly formatted. Komrad822 responded by stating, "As this is a blatant AI-generated appeal, I will be denying it." This claim was entirely unsubstantiated and dismissive of the effort I put into my appeal. Given my background in professional conduct when it comes to formal communication and documentation for my IRL job, I found this accusation offensive and unprofessional. Moreover, my follow-up response refuting their claim was completely ignored. This behavior not only undermines the appeal process but also reflects poorly on the standards of professionalism expected from admins. Not only did they expect me to play a certain way, they also want me to write my appeal form in a specific way tailored to their liking. If it isn't, they disregard the entirety of the appeal and automatically decline it with no further comment than a simple sentence and an assumption with no backing. To re-iterate, my problem with this is not simply that it was denied. It's the fact that it was denied on a completely non factual and baseless assumption, and received literally zero response to the contents of my appeal due to this. They decided to completely ignore the post based on their assumption with no backing or evidence. 

3. Escalation to a Permanent Ban:

Rule 0 states, "The Server Staff retains the right to issue Permanent Bans to players that they consider to be a consistent net negative to the community and server." However, this is my first-ever ban. I have never destroyed the game before and don’t go out of my way to consistently antagonize other players. I am respectful to many players both in and outside of the game. Despite this, the situation was escalated to a full permanent ban. Not an antag ban, not a job ban for misuse of chemicals, but a full permanent ban until appealed to Komrad's liking. This feels like an abuse of power, especially given that the incident did not involve any ongoing or repeated behavior that would justify such a severe punishment. The actions that resulted in my ban were warranted considering that I did something I was told not to, but even in my action I made sure that there were no other players in the area so it ended with zero casualties. I blew a hole in the hallway near the captain's quarters, and the engineers fixed it very shortly afterwards.

Komrad822’s behavior during our interactions, combined with the pattern of similar complaints from other players, raises significant concerns about their suitability as an admin. Their dismissive attitude, unprofessional conduct, and misuse of authority create a hostile environment that contradicts the values of fairness, respect, and fun that this community upholds.

I respectfully request that this complaint be taken seriously and that appropriate action be considered to address these issues. Additionally, I request that either my previously declined ban appeal be evaluated by another admin, or my new ban appeal be looked at by another admin. It doesn't make sense to file a formal, public complaint against a police officer and then let that police officer decide your fate. 

I believe that regardless of your stance on my ban (one that I accept and take full responsibility for), the behavior of Komrad822 should be investigated and looked into.

Edited by froaky
additional testimony, editing, more accurate statements
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  • 2 weeks later...

I will apologize for how long this has taken to get around to getting a response for, been some things that have popped up that prevented a timely response to this. That said when it comes to making an Admin Complaint keep information contained within the AC to the specific interaction you had with the admin, don't attempt to use other admin complaints as back up or information if it doesn't involve the situation you had with the admin. It adds nothing to the complaint especially if a ruling has already been made on those individual complaints. Now continuing on with the complaint here I will address it in two parts the ban itself and the appeal.

As for the ban itself, 


    Line  5786: [2024-08-12T00:21:51] ADMIN: Mentorhelp: Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter): I'm gonna breach into the hull with a big bomb in order to get to the captain and steal his antique laser gun, is that alright - heard by 3 non-AFK mentors.
    Line  5950: [2024-08-12T00:22:41] ADMIN: PM: Komrad822/(x)->Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter): <font face="Verdana">hOW BIG IS THIS BOMB</font>
    Line  5962: [2024-08-12T00:22:45] ADMIN: PM: Komrad822/(x)->Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter): <font face="Verdana">ack, caps</font>
    Line  5971: [2024-08-12T00:22:50] ATTACK: Komrad822/(x)(125,148,2) against Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter)(ANTAG)(125,148,2): observed
    Line  5997: [2024-08-12T00:22:59] ADMIN: PM: Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter)->Komrad822/(x): I have no clue about the cap, but it is big. It will space the bridge where it hits
    Line  6018: [2024-08-12T00:23:04] ADMIN: PM: Komrad822/(x)->Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter): <font face="Verdana">whatd you use to make it</font>
    Line  6067: [2024-08-12T00:23:19] ADMIN: PM: Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter)->Komrad822/(x): it&#39;s more of a wall/floor melter
    Line  6105: [2024-08-12T00:23:34] ADMIN: PM: Komrad822/(x)->Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter): <font face="Verdana">again, whatd you use to make it</font>
    Line  6136: [2024-08-12T00:23:48] ADMIN: PM: Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter)->Komrad822/(x): phlog, thermite. sulph acid
    Line  6650: [2024-08-12T00:25:49] ADMIN: PM: Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter)->Komrad822/(Erudita Of Messier): so is that a yes or a no
    Line  6850: [2024-08-12T00:26:43] ADMIN: PM: Komrad822/(x)->Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter): <font face="Verdana">gonna go with no seeing as you as a changling have multiple other ways to get the captains gun without needing that chem bomb. You even have Xrays and can see its still in its case </font>
    Line  7041: [2024-08-12T00:27:30] ADMIN: PM: Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter)->Komrad822/(x): alright then I&#39;m just gonna go for the case then
    Line  7126: [2024-08-12T00:27:49] ADMIN: PM: Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter)->Komrad822/(x): and not bomb the bridge
Line  7167: [2024-08-12T00:27:56] GAME: Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter) has primed a grenade for detonation at �Central Primary Hallway (98,130,2) [ 40 Carbon, 40 Fluorine, 15 Thermite, 5 Phlogiston, 40 Water, 40 Thermite, 20 Sulphuric acid, ].
    Line  7168: [2024-08-12T00:27:56] ATTACK: Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter)(ANTAG)(98,130,2) against INVALID/(/obj/item/grenade/chem_grenade)(0,0,0): has primed (contained [ 40 Carbon, 40 Fluorine, 15 Thermite, 5 Phlogiston, 40 Water, 40 Thermite, 20 Sulphuric acid, ])
    Line  7467: [2024-08-12T00:28:50] ADMIN: PM: Komrad822/(x)->Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter): <font face="Verdana">i specifically did not give you permission to use the bomb and you still used it.</font>
    Line  7550: [2024-08-12T00:29:04] ADMIN: PM: Komrad822/(x)->Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter): <font face="Verdana">gonna have to apply a ban in this case</font>
    Line  7828: [2024-08-12T00:30:08] ADMIN: PM: Jryazz/(Tesni Pargeter)->Komrad822/(x): fine, but what is the point of getting an antag when you can&#39;t antag how you want to get your goal. I&#39;m being told to specifically play  a certain way, and I don&#39;t have time.

After being told not to bomb the bridge and pointing out you had xray to confirm the energy weapon was in the case still, you still ended up using the grenade Komrad told you not to use. Komrad did exactly what majority of other staff members would do and applied a ban for failing to listen to an admin. I do not see any condescending tone regarding his interactions with you in game. As for this part of the complaint it is valid and without merit.

Now talking about the unban appeal, This is not a rule zero ban as that applies to people who don't break rules but instead continue to skirt or toe the line of the rules. The reason for your ban is rule 1 Listen to the Admins and Rule 6. Multiple members of staff come to look over that appeal and quite a lot of those that did felt that appeal was AI generated. We prefer an appeal written in a person's own words and be a short paragraph than a wall of text that's "professional" in tone. Plenty of weird things within the appeal lead many to believe it was AI generated or assisted with AI such as referring to the secret phrase as a passcode and "Antagonist Conduct Guidelines" for examples. Unban appeals are typically where people show they understand the rules and why their actions aren't acceptable under those rules, it is difficult to believe someone understands the rules or at minimum the rule they broke if the appeal is written by an AI. Now if you didn't actually use an AI then your form of writing comes off quite strange to people. However considering you attempted to ban evade on multiple accounts is quite telling to me that you didn't actually write the appeal or at the least didn't believe the words you typed about following the rules going forward. As it stands this Admin Complaint is without merit and will be filed as such.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As there has been no follow up messages to this complaint of any questions or comments I’m going to file this as resolved.

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