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Name Review for IC


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BYOND Key: Platedd

IC Name for Review: Skitters

Race: Android
Gender: male
Is this a Mime or Clown Job Name? no


Application of Name:
This name is for the creation of a new character inspired by a round in which I made roughly 2300 credits and acquired a charged fusion gauntlet just by selling Items I found in maintenance. It was an incredibly fun gameplay loop which involved slowly befriending security to not be arrested for contraband possession, having deals with security members to give me evidence loot (non-harmful), and construction of a store to sell all my items. Once the round ended, I had the Richest Player round title WHILE also giving 1000 credits to NR to increase station profits. As this is a comedic role with no disruption towards station efficiency, and also increases station profits, I wanted a memorable name for this character so that I might build a reputation like I have done with D'Angelo. The name is short, and has instant implications as to his character from the title that you see with many characters within fiction suck as "patches" or other characters in SS13 like "Pushpa",


Hidden in the Maintenance tunnels too gross for most, there is a merchant like no other. Adorned in a large black trench coat and hat, with a peculiar mouse mask wrapped around his face, Skitters turns trash into treasure. Originally, he was shunned by Nanostren, considered "unprofessional and indecent", but if there's anything Nanostren loves above conformity, its money. And Skitters made a LOT of money. Insulated gloves, Cable restraints, med boxes; anything he can find in the tunnels he calls home is for sale. He made riches no-one was expecting, certainly not Nanostren which he paid in kind every shift to show his dedication to profits. His networking went beyond that however, as people began noticing items from evidence lockers to be missing. It made sense to him through, it was just lying there collecting dust. It made sense to wardens pocket too. He doesn't always receive the same treatment, sometimes he is arrested for what he finds. To him that's just a perk of the job, he takes it to his advantage to advertise propositions to security.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heya, I will handle your name review and share the consensus of the Head of Staff.

'Skitters' is more of a verb related to the movement of insects, like spiders, rather than an actual name.

It has been deemed improper, regardless of the species, due to this reason.

Unfortunately it means that your vox is no longer suitable to play under the name "Skitters".

Also if you plan on switching species in the future and keeping the same name. It has also been ruled in the past that switching between species constantly while keeping the same name is improper.

Feel free to ask questions you may have related to this, if there's no reply in 7 days, this name review will be moved to resolved.

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Posted (edited)

Hello, thank you for taking the time to review my application. I would like to add 4 points into the discussion.

-To address the dissection of the name, I would like to add that this is a common tactic used in fiction to the extent that I actually studied it in university. The use of verbs for names if very common across games, and the following are just a few examples to come to mind:

  • Withers
  • Ace
  • Buzz
  • Chance

Of the first to come to mind, half are also verbs used to describe the movement of insects. If the discussion is from a linguistics standpoint, there is some inadequacies in the logic, as it would mean all 402 of the following names would also be banned:

-My name is based off the following:

If a very skitters-looking character fits the name in a big budget game, surely it does for me too

-Additionally, I would like to remind that there is also another person who plays a character named skitters, as they are a neon they have some words after but regardless what would be considered their first name is also skitters. Therefore, it seems a little irregular to allow it in some cases but not others.

- Since the writing of this post, skitters has become quite well-known across the server, to the extent that he's brought up in rounds I dont even play in. The simplicity of the name i would argue has helped with that a lot, and I think it would seem weird for him to suddenly have a second name. People now come to the shop before i even announce it, anticipating it.

im not incredibly attached to my characters, it doesnt matter that much but from both a community lore perspective and a regulations equality perspective I see only positives. Maybe it's tunnel vision because its my character but let me know what you think. Name will be changed to have a surname for now

Edited by platedd
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  • 1 month later...

Sorry with the delay in answering your name review, the  Head of Staff were busy with the end of the trial period of the now new Game Admins, alongside a few other internal things. With your last reply in mind the Head of Staff decided that the decision about "Skitter" is still the same. Regardless of if a game/server does something else name-wise, it doesn't mean Paradise or other servers will allow it.

As an additional note, considering an admin warned you for still referring to yourself and your shop as Skitters, despite your character being named Takikaki at the time and initially claiming it was the name of the store only when the admin contacted you, except the logs the admin found say otherwise, an example in the logs of you calling yourself "Skitters" below:


We are not inclined at this time to accept this name review and will be moved to the resolved section.

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