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Name Review Female Vulpkanin


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IC Name for Review:
Jess Ica



Is this a Mime or Clown Job Name?

I was contacted that the name sounds like a pun, suggesting that I don't take roleplaying serious.
It was also mentioned that I was contacted about it before - however, that was a different character - she was was a human, and I understand that humans should have "normal human sounding names
" and changed the name to Jessica Long.
This is not about the human Jessica Long, this is about the Vulpkanin girl Jess Ica.

I am a serious role-player (#) and I do not want my name to ruin people's immersion (and I can't believe that it does), and I have well thought-out reasons (background story) how this name makes perfect sense in character.

(#) I'm sure those who have spent some more time with my character can attest to that - and there's a reason why I came to Paradise Station.

That being said: This is OOC information - your character is not supposed to know it, unless Jess Ica told them. Please don't spoil our fun by knowing it. If you want to know more about Jess Ica, just talk to her.


Jess Ica is a Vulpkanin. To her knowledge(*), her parents were merchants with their own space shuttle who were attacked and killed by space pirates. Luckily Nanotrasen's shuttles were nearby and answered the distress call. They could not do much for Jess Ica's parents, but they managed to rescue Jess Ica.
Jess Ica's lungs were irrecoverably injured, but a cybernetic lung replacement stabilised her.
She got adopted by a human couple, both of which are Nanotrasen employees.
Jess Ica was too young to remember any of these events.(**)
Her adoptive human parents wanted to give that Vulpkanin girl a name that would reflect both her Vulplnanin heritage and her new human family. "Jess" being the name from the human culture, while "Ica" - being harsh and guttural - is a Canilunzt name or word from her original species. Together "Jess Ica" symbolises the blending of both cultures and to honor her origin.

Meaningful translation: 
There is no OOC knowledge of actual Canilunzt words - only that it sounds harsh and guttural - and the "Ica" sound would fit that description. "Ica" could well mean something significant, like "hope" or "strength". - but this post is not about "rewriting/writing history or a dictionary", so I'll leave that open. (But I would totally love to have an actual translation too! Even more to tell in roleplay!)

Symbolic Representation: 
"Jess" would represent a new beginning or a fresh start, while "Ica" would symbolise her past and heritage.

Phonetic Preference: 
The human parents clearly also chose the name "Jess Ica" simply because they liked the way it sounded. They found "Jess" to be a strong, simple name and "Ica" to be unique and beautiful, creating a harmonious and memorable full name, that works well for humans and in galactic common.


If asked about her name, Jess Ica can explain the cultural significance of her name, reinforcing the immersion and that it's not meant to be an "OOC humorous pun". The name will remind those who heard the story of Jess Ica's human adoptive parents and her upbrining.
The name is also used as a point of character development, exploring her feelings about her dual heritage and significance of her name.

(*)What Jess Ica doesn't know is that, whilst she got rescued and adopted by humans, the story she was told is not entirely true. (I have a major plot-twist in mind - but I'm not sure if Jess Ica will actually ever get to know the truth)
(**)I don't want to RP someone sad and depressed. She can't remember, and whilst she's very curious to learn more about Vulpkanin culture and their home world Altam - to hear Vulpkanin's stories and tales - , she's very happy with the parents she got. And with that, she's a shy but curious open-minded young Vulpkanin - a big fan of Nanotrasen - always willing to help, to explore, and to learn more about her own but also other species.


An additional, albeit weak, reason is: Even though Jess Ica hasn't been around for long, many people got to know and like her and memorised her name. - That's also the reason why I won't join as the character "Jess Ica" but using a different name - until this is resolved.

Thank you for taking the time to read through all this, to consider it, and to comment on it.

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hello there, unfortunately that last name comes off very much like a pun or play on words than an actual name and due to that we're gonna ask you to have a different last name that isn't so directly a play on words or a pun.

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Thank you for taking the time to review my name.
I have the feeling that it was mainly brought up again because it has been an issue for a human character before - and I understand that human names should follow human naming conventions.

I don't want to use actual real human names like Shanda Lear (daughter of the inventor William Powell Lear) or Moon Unit Zappa (daughter of the musician Frank Zappa) as an excuse - otherwise we'll soon have humans named X Æ A-Xii Musk and Y Musk on board.

Aren't Vulpkanin names supposed to be less strict than human names? Of course the name is "Jessica" when the names are combined, but why can't that be a conscious decision made by her parents?
Humans usually give names that have some sort of meaning, sometimes because the name's origin has a meaning, or simply by naming them a current word like "Hope". Why would it be so strange to have two beautiful/meaningful names combine into a new name, thus giving both names a new meaning? The origin of many current names are actually a combination of words or names - so it's actually common.

Anne Marie - Annemarie
Anna Belle - Annabelle
Mary Beth - Marybeth
Lily Beth - Lilibeth
Rose Mary - Rosemary
Jo Anne - Joanne 
Maria Anne - Marianne
Emma Line - Emmaline
Jean Annette - Jeanette
Caro Line - Caroline
Isa Belle - Isabelle
Katherine Eileen - Kathleen
It's not uncommon to have these names separate, sometimes separated by a dash and sometimes combined.
Mary Anne is as much valid as Maryanne. Mary Beth as valid as Marybeth.

When considering current real names, both Jess and Ica (Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian), individually, are valid names too.

The name doesn't become less serious, just because the combination of her given- and surname is also a name.
I understand that it is a serious RP setting, and that NT is a serious corporation. But it is an intergalactic corporation that comes across all kind of names for all kinds of species nonetheless - and to my understanding this corporation tries to be open and accepting about various species - because it's more profitable to be.


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I'm sorry that my response is less coherent and harder to read. I kind of feel treated unfairly when looking at other (mostly human) names. But I prefer not to mention them, because I don't want to throw others under the bus.

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Jess Ica is just a first name broken up to be two names, if you want to use Jessica as a first name you can do that but we prefer people to try and avoid names that very much just look like an intended joke or a play on words. As for other people and using names that slip past admins, admins are not omnipotent and can't catch everything so there's a tendency for names to slip past here and there especially if there's more pressing matters going on in the round.

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What's with that misinformation?
Coolrune makes it sound like my Vulpkanin was first named "Jessica", then told "you need two names", to which I apparently responded by simply splitting the name saying "fuck you" by doing so?

I named my new main Vulpkanin character "Jess Ica" from the get go - but Coolrune openly makes it sound like I tried to sneakily circumvent some ruling by changing "Jessica" to "Jess Ica" - making me look like some sort of jerk who tries to slip through the rules rather than trying to openly discuss my naming choice. 

Is that what you all think? That I was like "Fuck you"? Is that why it seems like you don't really read my arguments but just go like "name stupid - denied"?


Right now the standard is that having unique names is highly encouraged.

I mean it is unique and I do have a back story for it, and I'm sure that my RP shows that I'm serious about RPing. I want to be on ParadiseStation because of RP - and Jess Ica quickly made a bunch of friends and learned some backstories of others.
I really don't understand why my name in particular is judged so harshly.

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Apologies for the lack of response till now I wanted to talk to the other headmins and a few other staff as well on the matter considering everything. We’ve come to the decision to allow you to use the name, while we’re not sure if it’s intended to come off slightly as a joke or not it does tend to come off that way to people in general especially when we look at your ckey. However it would be rather strange to restrict a name due to how generic the name is for the most part. 

Seems a bit of this issue came from a misunderstanding between of a note related a human character you had about needing a second name and your vulpkanin character being named “Jess Ica”. I offer my apology for working off the information I had that also lead me to believe this was all related to the same character as well as coolrune offering their apology for having misunderstood the previous note thinking your vulpkanin was just renamed from Jessica to Jess Ica.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you. No worries about the time it took. Everyone is busy and I know that you all do this amazing work voluntarily so we all can enjoy this server.

Coolrune apologised to me publicly on discord about that misunderstanding as well.

I'm really looking forward to more great RP with my Vulpkanin "Jess Ica".

Have a great day and thank you again.

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