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Pokemon Cameo (Paramon[?])


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This is a custom event idea that would require no development or coding, just initiative from players and an admin to announce/set it up.

So this idea has a pretty simple premise based around 3 items: Lazarus Injector, Lazarus Capsule, and Trainer Belt.

Each player would be granted two Lazarus capsules/injectors alongside one trainer belt, and be given an objective: To be the very best.

Three players would be given a different objective, and become members of Team Docket (Donk-Pocket, as in Donk. Co), and another would be the leader of Team Docket, they would have the goal of stealing as many Paramon trainers Paramon as they could.

Passive simplemobs would appear around the station occasionally (ie: Parrots, Cats, Gutlunches, ect)

Each departments head of staff would become a Gym leader and each department would be a town as they are in the now out of rotation gamemode of factions. (Ie: Brigston, Cargonia, Atmosia)

The medbay would be a Paramon Center, and they would have a metric ton of Lazarus Capsules and Injectors to sell for spacebucks.

Trainers could fight eachother at any point, and whoever loses most forfeit some spacebucks to the victor, if they lose to a member of Team Docket, they would have to comply with demands. (NOTE: Team Docket would only be able to steal 1 Paramon at a time from a trainer, to keep things somewhat fair and give those who lose a chance to continue)

Each department can establish a gym or act like a gym, optionally having a gym challenge (Ie: The Atmosia Gym challenge would be to patch 5 broken windows up, an atmos tech would break some for the challenger.)

The department staff could optionally be gym trainers, and fight any gym-challengers before they challenge the head of staff in that department (The Gym Leader)

The captain of the station would be the champion, and would require to be presented evidence of all of the head of staffs' defeat before they can be challenged, whoever beats the champion becomes the stations captain.

The idea of heads of staff being gym leaders especially suits due to them all having a pet to match with them, as an example, if Zeke Elliot were Head of Security (Brigston Gym Leader), he would have a team of (example) a goliath, a space carp, and a Sergeant Araneus. (Cargonia Gym Leader would have Forklift, for example, Atmosias gym leader would have Poly and so forth.)

Extra notes: This concept is very much subject to change, if admins do take note of this for a spiced up round, consider changing the names of some things (Gym Leader, Gym, ect) just for safe measure.

Paramon Trainers wouldn't be allowed to murder one-another, or Team Docket for that matter. If they do, you could just give them a telling off, but likely not a ban.

(Quick edited in note: I just realised there was a format for event ideas, oops, my bad.)

Edited by Gibbv
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