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Admin(s) Key: Hostail
Your ckey (Byond username): c7288222
Your Discord name (if applicable): N/A

Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred): 11/13/24 19:26:25

ROUND ID: 42603

Nature of complaint: misapplication of rules, abuse of powers, feedback
(Select all that apply: EG - clarification required, misapplication of rules, misconduct, abuse of powers, feedback, other)
Links to all relevant ban appeals for any bans related to this complaint: 


Please note how Hostail responds to me in my denial. Extremely insulting to me.

 Honestly its rough when you only have 37 hours of playtime on our server and already act like a burnt out and jaded player snapping at the littlest of things.

 ...as possibly using generative tools just makes it look incredibly insincere <<<don't need to use AI for writing, and haven't ever even used an AI program

You instantly getting aggressive and defensive when i started messaging you about this isn't a good look either and is something we have seen from you before. <<<this makes little sense as I have only 40 hours of playtime and have never been addressed by an admin of this server. 

Brief description (tl;dr here. Just the critical elements): hit another player during a RED alert who did not abide by SOP, did not kill them, was demoted from role, spent the jail time, then was addressed by an admin. Did not fight, did not quit out of the round.

Full description of events: Got into the round as SEC during a RED alert. Walked past an Assistant loitering in security bullying the clown prisoner. I told them to move along, they refused. I point to the last sentence in Red Alert : "Attention! Code Red! There is an immediate and serious threat to the station. Security may have weapons unholstered at all times. Random searches are allowed and advised." This being the SOP, I began to approach for a search to which the Assistant refused. Several other officers got there at this moment and saw the latter half, the Assistant is a regular player, and like most regulars seemed to think of themselves above the SOP. Since this wasn't worth the time I began to move on, the Assistant decided to make a quip to which I turned around and hit t hem with a crowbar, please note I did not kill the assistant and this event was done in the company of several other SEC officers. I was demoted and placed in prison for a 5 minute punishment. AFTER the punishment I was addressed by Hostail. The initial interaction with this admin threw me off because after a few responses it seemed like they were trying to manipulate me into admitting guilt, their specific question was, "So this is boiling over from stuff that happened over rounds?" To which I refused and questioned why they would come to that conclusion. The admin then chastised me about my language "Fuck you all" as I walked away from the other players. I've seen admins and others curse pretty regularly in this, so if I'm permabanned for FOLLOWING SOP, TAKING A PUNISHMENT, and CURSING, wouldn't that be a little heavy handed?

I get that admins handle their own appeal but I requested initially, due to feeling biased against, that a superior admin take the review. This was denied, Hostail took the review, claimed it was written by AI (I don't know how they got that conclusion but I'm flattered), and then was permanently banned.

So, I was banned for...interacting well within my roles' rights of SoP and the station Alert being RED and cursing.

The ban reason is: As an officer said "fuck you all" and decided to attack another crewmember that was doing nothing wrong. When asked to explain your actions you were avoiding explaining yourself and asking to speak to my "supervisor admin". You can appeal on the forums and explain yourself there.

^^^please note that the other crewmember was in fact not abiding by SOP during a RED alert and I was within my rights to search them and give lawful orders as a SEC officer. I did not avoid explaining myself, and my request to speak to a "supervisor admin" was in fact not heard or addressed.

I think a perma ban in this instance is way too harsh, I get the guy is doing his job, but they made serious mistakes during this interaction and came off extremely biased against me. I have been demeaned and insulted by Hostail during this ENTIRE interaction. 

Edited by ULTRA9000
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First and foremost I want to apologize for how long this took to get a proper response to this admin complaint, there's no excuse that a response should've taken this long to get from one of the head admins. Now for this complaint I took the time to read over the logs of everything that transpired during the round where you were present including everything the other player had done/said as well.

Getting into the complaint here the assistant was standing in the hallway that connects security and the front of the bridge on boxstation, there were not inside of security but instead in the public hallway talking to the clown that was inside of the cell adjacent to said hallway. While you claim to have approached the assistant to begin a search you made no comment about doing so instead you told them to leave,


Line  2895: [2024-11-13T19:10:52] SAY: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000) (113,170,2):  'what's going on?'
Line  2908: [2024-11-13T19:10:59] SAY: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000) (113,169,2):  'get the fuck out of here'
Line  2927: [2024-11-13T19:11:07] SAY: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000) (113,169,2): (headset) 'ou think im kidding?'
Line  2964: [2024-11-13T19:11:20] SAY: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000) (113,169,2):  'obstruction is against SoP'
Line  2971: [2024-11-13T19:11:24] SAY: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000) (113,169,2):  'please move along'
Line  3013: [2024-11-13T19:11:39] SAY: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000) (113,169,2):  'obsctruction of security is a violation of SoP'
Line  3065: [2024-11-13T19:12:00] SAY: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000) (113,171,2):  'fuck you all'

During that bit of exchange they argued they were in a public area and did nothing wrong. They stated how they weren't blocking anything to which the "fuck you all" comment from you was followed up by them saying "I wonder if I can make them quit again". At which point I can only assume you walked off due to a lack of additional comments or actions for roughly a minute before you hit them multiple times with a crowbar and fists until other members of security arrested you.


Line  3256: [2024-11-13T19:13:10] ATTACK: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)(114,168,2) against X/(Lilac Cattis)(114,169,2): Attacked with crowbar (HARM) (BRUTE)
Line  3257: [2024-11-13T19:13:11] ATTACK: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)(114,168,2) against X/(Lilac Cattis)(114,169,2): Attacked with crowbar (HARM) (BRUTE)
Line  3260: [2024-11-13T19:13:12] ATTACK: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)(114,168,2) against X/(Lilac Cattis)(114,169,2): Attacked with crowbar (HARM) (BRUTE)
Line  3263: [2024-11-13T19:13:13] ATTACK: Y/(Rhox Ozel)(113,168,2) against C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)(114,168,2): Disarmed into a dense object
Line  3268: [2024-11-13T19:13:14] ATTACK: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)(113,169,2) against X/(Lilac Cattis)(114,169,2): Melee attacked with fists
Line  3269: [2024-11-13T19:13:14] ATTACK: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)(114,168,2) against X/(Lilac Cattis)(114,169,2): Melee attacked with fists
Line  3271: [2024-11-13T19:13:15] ATTACK: X/(Lilac Cattis)(114,169,2) against C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)(114,168,2): Hit with thrown the crowbar
Line  3273: [2024-11-13T19:13:15] ATTACK: X/(Lilac Cattis)(114,169,2) against C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)(114,168,2): Grabbed passively
Line  3274: [2024-11-13T19:13:15] ATTACK: Y/(Rhox Ozel)(113,168,2) against C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)(114,168,2): stunned
Line  3275: [2024-11-13T19:13:15] ATTACK: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)(114,168,2) against X/(Lilac Cattis)(114,169,2): Melee attacked with fists
Line  3277: [2024-11-13T19:13:16] ATTACK: X/(Lilac Cattis)(114,169,2) against C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)(114,169,2): Grabbed passively
Line  3278: [2024-11-13T19:13:17] ATTACK: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)(114,169,2) against C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)(114,169,2): Melee attacked with fists
Line  3283: [2024-11-13T19:13:17] ATTACK: Z/(Bishop)(113,169,2) against C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)(114,168,2): stunned

During your conversation with Hostail you got hostile with them in admin PMs when asked questions regarding why you attacked a crew member as security and during the conversation claimed they were being biased as well as asking to "see a supervisor admin" to which our general response to people who do such a thing is ban them and if they have complaints to make an Admin Complaint about it. Just because an admin decides to message you or others doesn't mean we have an intention on banning anyone, sometimes it's due to an admin wanting some information about what happened or if they're simply going to warn someone over something. This situation most likely would've ended up with a warning about not attacking other crew members as a member of security.


ADMIN: PM: Hostail/()->C7288222/(ULTRA-4000): <font face="Verdana">Hey, why did you attack Lilac?</font>
ADMIN: PM: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)->Hostail/(): what?
ADMIN: PM: Hostail/()->C7288222/(ULTRA-4000): <font face="Verdana">I&#39;m asking why you said &#34;fuck you all&#34; and attacked Lilac with a crowbar</font>
ADMIN: PM: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)->Hostail/(): because yet again that person is allowed to do fuckall whatever they want and talk to whoever they want so I decided I&#39;ll just do it in sec in front of others and ill be demoted
ADMIN: PM: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)->Hostail/(): is there a problem?
ADMIN: PM: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)->Hostail/(): it&#39;d be different if they followed SoP like theyre supposed to but they never do
ADMIN: PM: Hostail/()->C7288222/(ULTRA-4000): <font face="Verdana">Yeah a pretty big one. So you decided to attack them cause they have upset you over multiple rounds? </font>
ADMIN: PM: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)->Hostail/(): no I never said that
ADMIN: PM: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)->Hostail/(): why are you putting words in my mouth like that? What is this?
ADMIN: PM: Hostail/()->C7288222/(ULTRA-4000): <font face="Verdana">&#34;Yet again that person is allowed to do fuckall whatever they want&#34;</font>
ADMIN: PM: Hostail/()->C7288222/(ULTRA-4000): <font face="Verdana">Tell me what you meant with this then</font>
ADMIN: PM: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)->Hostail/(): Ok what is this? I want to talk to your supervisor admin, you&#39;re being biased
ADMIN: PM: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)->Hostail/(): you&#39;re going to ban me due to a bias against me 
ADMIN: PM: Hostail/()->C7288222/(ULTRA-4000): <font face="Verdana">You can tell me what you meant with it</font>
ADMIN: PM: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)->Hostail/(): what do you mean what did I mean?
ADMIN: PM: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)->Hostail/(): I don&#39;t know what you&#39;re saying
ADMIN: PM: Hostail/()->C7288222/(ULTRA-4000): <font face="Verdana">You said I had something wrong, I am asking you for clarification, and now you are saying I am biased.</font>
ADMIN: PM: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)->Hostail/(): this is really weird and I feel like you&#39;re harrassing me at this point
ADMIN: PM: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)->Hostail/(): you&#39;re putting words in my mouth, about to ban me for not even killing someone, I want this to be addressed by a higher tier admin
ADMIN: PM: Hostail/()->C7288222/(ULTRA-4000): <font face="Verdana">It doesn&#39;t seem like you want to explain to me, if you want to complain about my questions you can do an admin complaint on our forums which should be up... soon?</font>
ADMIN: PM: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)->Hostail/(): ok let&#39;s start over. I hit the guy because he was being a nuissance and not complying to SoP, then after he weaseled his way out of it cuz the other SEC don&#39;t know SoP either he said something to me so I grabbed a crowbar and hit him
ADMIN: PM: C7288222/(ULTRA-4000)->Hostail/(): as I was just going to cryo anyways I took the 5m assault, and now I&#39;m going to leave, but this conversation tells me that if I do without your consent Ill be banned from this server
ADMIN: Hostail/() has banned c7288222.

Now on your appeal you made, multiple members of staff all agreed with Hostail in believing your appeal was AI generated for multiple reasons, we prefer and want people to explain themselves in their own words rather than attempt to use AI or other means to write appeals for them. Multiple sentences felt out of place entirely or nonsensical to be tossed in like they were. As it stands this admin complaint is without merit, Hostail did exactly what they are within their rights to do as an admin and handled themselves decently enough in the end for both how they handled themselves in game and out of game.

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