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Name: Basic Audio Rhythm-Device

Age: ~ 50 years old

Gender: Robotic

Race: IPC

Blood Type: N/A

General Occupational Role(s): 

Musician, Bard, Bartender


The Basic Audio Rhythm-Device, also known as BAR-D, was a series of mass produced musician bots that were programmed with every conceivable song and rhythm known during construction. Being one of the first lines of IPCs, BAR-D had a very simple premise in its construction: To be an entertainment bot, usually accompanying other entertainment bots.

This particular BAR-D was initially sold to a children's entertainment company marketed as a magical place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life. It featured arcade games, amusement rides and musical shows in addition to serving pizza and other food items.

BAR-D was initially very shy until another group of IPCs took it in and gave it a sense of security, and after some time, a sense of family. After a while, they opened up to BAR-D about some of their goals and desires. It was these interactions where BAR-D learned that the group he had joined had a habit of attacking IPCs in other departments and cannibalizing them. BAR-D rejected their repeated offers of cyborg sustenance, but after a while it began to grow wary of it's status as a non-participant and his newfound family's intentions. BAR-D eventually devised a plan to escape.

BAR-D, through great trial and tribulation, escaped the place they once called home, and from those it once called family.

After bumming it out on the streets, BAR-D eventually landed a gig with Nanotrasen as part of it's service department where it could utilize it's musical skills to its maximum potential. As it aged, BAR-D eventually became more of a conversation piece rather than a respectable producer of musical entertainment. A novelty of a time long passed.


BAR-D is skilled in just about every manner of musical instrument and musical style. It is able to mimic spoken voice that was recorded, giving it the ability to sing with any singer's voice. BAR-D does not have a voice box of their own, but it speaks via flipping through radio channels and other pre-recorded lyrics from other songs.


Personnel Photo (Appearance text): 

It's monitor has the notes of any music currently playing. Standing close enough with his headphones on reveals that it is listening to some generic tunes.


Other Notes: 
A cute little thing about the art, the Christmas tree has 0 lore significance. The artist's little sister bumped into her while making the art, and instead of getting rid of it she turned it into a little something. So technically there are two artists for the art :^)

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