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I think there should be a verb to hold your own breath. Much like when you have a plastic bag on your head (only without the bag and by choice of the character), so the code should be partially there. If you pass out or shortly before you would pass out the verb should deactivate automaticly (realistic human response).


I would see that useful when i play my vox and have to refil my nitrogen tank (remove internals). Same would go for humans in an area filled with CO2 or something. I think it's a very natural thing to do and it should be possible ingame.



I am not 100% sure about this, maybe someone could confirm the following:

Even against Bio toxin it should be helpful to hold your breath, i think a good chunk of the bio toxin damage comes by inhaling it. Obviously he would still get damage from his body beeing exposed to the bio toxin, but that's just one part of the damage. So someone could actually pass a corridor filled with bio toxin for the duration he could hold his breath. Same would be true with fires, i think.


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Well with the likes of CO2 inhalation, people can't tell its CO2 literally until they pass out, and unless you held your breath before being exposed to toxins it wouldn't help as the toxins would already be in your lungs. I can't really imagine a situation where this can be useful, as any time you might use it, it might already be too late. From the perspective of vox's though, aye, good idea.

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  Sparkyninja said:
Well with the likes of CO2 inhalation, people can't tell its CO2 literally until they pass out, and unless you held your breath before being exposed to toxins it wouldn't help as the toxins would already be in your lungs. I can't really imagine a situation where this can be useful, as any time you might use it, it might already be too late. From the perspective of vox's though, aye, good idea.

True, maybe N2O would be a better example because you possibly could see it before entering, but i would argue that i would hold my breath every time i would enter a area with a with a emergency shutter flashing red, so it could be of some use i think. I think of it beeing a mechanic that could be used if you know you enter a dangerous atmospheric enviroment.


Also it's a very good point that it should remember if the last breath you took was contaminated with a harmful gas and damage / effect you accordingly. And mabe make the character take a huge breath when the verb toggles off. From a coding point of view i would let the character take like 2 or 3 breath instead of one at the moment the verb toggles off.


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  tigercat2000 said:
With the way breath works, I'm not entirely sure it's feasible to code, but this would be a pretty cool idea.

Someone should test what happens if you do the same with a plastic bag, since it's basicly the same game mechanic. Either it's already coded in and would work for the breathe verb or we found a bug with the plastic bag.


- What happens if i am standing in a room with N2O take a breath and put on a plastic bag on my head, do i pass out?

- What happens if two persons stand in a room filled with bio toxin, one takes a breath and puts on a plastic bag and the other one just keeps breathing in the bio toxin, who dies first?


I won't have time to set this up, it would be great if someone could try that.


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  MarkvA said:
I'm fairly sure the bag on the head just deals oxygen damage, and doesn't actually halt breathing. It should be possible to temporarily assign the NO_BREATHE flag though.

The interessing thing is that if you put the plastic bag on you can fill your nitrogen tank as vox without getting oxygen damage, so it seems to make you propperly stop breathing.


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  MarkvA said:
Looks like it sets losebreathe on the character, which I presume also negates the oxygen.

Yep, found it.


Paradise / code / game / objects / items / weapons / storage / bags.dm



if(is_equipped() && head)


var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = loc

H.losebreath += 1


head = 0

storage_slots = 21





Paradise / code / modules / mob / living / carbon / human / life.dm


if(losebreath>0) //Suffocating so do not take a breath


if (prob(10)) //Gasp per 10 ticks? Sounds about right.

spawn emote("gasp")

if(istype(loc, /obj/))

var/obj/location_as_object = loc

location_as_object.handle_internal_lifeform(src, 0)






Guess that means a person wearing a plastic bag would survive longer when running through a bio toxin area, also his last breath might have been contaminated with bio toxin.


Don't know if that's by design or not, but i see no harm in adding the no breath verb since you could force the same effect with a plastic bag anyways.


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  SpaceTimeNow said:
  FarmWizard said:
I can't wait until we have to manually use breathing commands or we die.


say "*inhale

say "*exhale

say "Riveting gameplay!"

Thanks for this valuable input.

No, thank you, sir, for pointing it out. It is now in the hall of forum fame.




I actually do like this idea, on a more serious side.


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