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Mining mesons replacement


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We have had mesons for the miners for ages now and they work fine to see the ore.

I do not however like one of their aspects which is the fact that they light everything up

I would like to see mining become a little scarier by giving miners and the research outpost crew asteroid scanners instead

These goggles would work sort of like mesons, showing the ore and rock and other stuff, but they shouldn't increase the light level like normal mesons do.

I made a mockup of what it should look like although the mockup might be a bit too dark



mining scanners mockup

As you can see the mine becomes a bit more ominous by doing this


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Sadly I don't quite understand how the tiles get shaded based on the amount of light so I don't have some helpful insight to give here. Perhaps someone who does understand how ss13 handles shadows/darkness could explain for the thread and for me.

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If uh, TG's mining was ported over (which rewards miners for doing their jobs, as well), then mining would definitely be plenty scary due to the various things encountered.

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If uh, TG's mining was ported over (which rewards miners for doing their jobs, as well), then mining would definitely be plenty scary due to the various things encountered.


I was only talking about how /tg/ handles seeing the ores, but PLEASE don't use /tg/ mining, it's the absolute worst, unrewarding as fuck, dangerous as fuck, and the most porting /tg/ would cause is make mining dependant jobs(R&D, robotics) boring because most shifts won't even have miners with the awfull system /tg/ uses


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If uh, TG's mining was ported over (which rewards miners for doing their jobs, as well), then mining would definitely be plenty scary due to the various things encountered.




Seriously, don't. This will pretty much just fuck over science, as it's 100x harder to get materials.

Also, I like to take mining as a relaxative job. It's a decent job for newer players, and allows them to see how EVA and that type of thing works. I wouldn't mind a mesons change, however.


However, /tg/'s mesons actually used to work like what OP wants. It was pretty abused, however, in the fact that you could see someone trying to break into, say, engineering, because they had a flashlight on in maint. After that, all you had to do was make a stun prod, cable restraints, screwdriver the door closed, open the maint door, and just sit them down.


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